Eric Widmer
Eric Widmer
Professor of Sociology, University of Geneva
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Cited by
Attitudes toward nonmarital sex in 24 countries
ED Widmer, J Treas, R Newcomb
Journal of sex research 35 (4), 349-358, 1998
The de-standardization of the life course: Are men and women equal?
ED Widmer, G Ritschard
Advances in Life Course Research 14 (1-2), 28-39, 2009
Married women's employment over the life course: Attitudes in cross-national perspective
J Treas, ED Widmer
Social forces 78 (4), 1409-1436, 2000
Les réseaux de solidarité dans la famille
J Coenen-Huther, J Kellerhals, M Von Allmen, HM Hagmann, E Widmer, ...
Réalités sociales, 1994
Multichannel sequence analysis applied to social science data
JA Gauthier, ED Widmer, P Bucher, C Notredame
Sociological methodology 40 (1), 1-38, 2010
Family configurations: A structural approach to family diversity
ED Widmer
Routledge, 2016
Les parcours de vie: de l'adolescence au grand âge
M Sapin, D Spini, E Widmer
Collection Savoir suisse, 2007
Influence of older siblings on initiation of sexual intercourse
ED Widmer
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 928-938, 1997
Who are my family members? Bridging and binding social capital in family configurations
ED Widmer
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 23 (6), 979-998, 2006
Mesure et démesure du couple: cohésion, crises et résilience dans la vie des couples
J Kellerhals, E Widmer, R Levy
Payot, 2004
Familles en Suisse: les nouveaux liens
J Kellerhals, E Widmer
Collection Savoir suisse, 2007
Entre contraintes institutionnelle et domestique: les parcours de vie masculins et féminins en Suisse
R Levy, JA Gauthier, E Widmer
Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 461-489, 2006
How much does it cost? Optimization of costs in sequence analysis of social science data
JA Gauthier, ED Widmer, P Bucher, C Notredame
Sociological Methods & Research 38 (1), 197-231, 2009
Gendered life courses between standardization and individualization: A European approach applied to Switzerland
R Levy, ED Widmer
LIT Verlag Münster, 2013
Beyond the nuclear family: Families in a configurational perspective
E Widmer, R Jallinoja
Peter Lang, 2008
Do older siblings make a difference? The effects of older sibling support and older sibling adjustment on the adjustment of socially disadvantaged adolescents
ED Widmer, CC Weiss
Journal of Research on Adolescence 10 (1), 1-27, 2000
L’acquisition de la motilité au sein des familles: État de la question et hypothèses de recherche
V Kaufmann*, E Widmer**
Espaces et sociétés 120 (1), 199-217, 2005
Development of reserves over the life course and onset of vulnerability in later life
S Cullati, M Kliegel, E Widmer
Nature Human Behaviour 2 (8), 551-558, 2018
Couples contemporains-Cohésion, régulation et conflits. Une enquête sociologique
E Widmer, J Kellerhals, R Levy, M Ernst Stähli, R Hammer
Seismo, 2003
Modern families or modernized family traditionalism? Master status and the gender order in Switzerland
R Levy, J Kellerhals, E Widmer
Electronic Journal of Sociology, 2002
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Articles 1–20