John Gunnar Carlsson
John Gunnar Carlsson
Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California
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Citeret af
Extracting insights from the shape of complex data using topology
GC Lum, P. Y., G. Singh, A. Lehman, T. Ishkanov, Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson, M ...
Scientific reports 3, 2013
Coordinated logistics with a truck and a drone
JG Carlsson, S Song
Management Science 64 (9), 4052-4069, 2018
A review of piecewise linearization methods
MH Lin, JG Carlsson, D Ge, J Shi, JF Tsai
Mathematical problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 101376, 2013
Solving min-max multi-depot vehicle routing problem
J Carlsson, D Ge, A Subramaniam, A Wu, Y Ye
Lectures on global optimization 55, 31-46, 2009
Dividing a territory among several vehicles
JG Carlsson
INFORMS Journal on Computing 24 (4), 565-577, 2012
Robust partitioning for stochastic multivehicle routing
JG Carlsson, E Delage
Operations research 61 (3), 727-744, 2013
Systems and methods for multi-vehicle resource allocation and routing solutions
JG Carlsson, H Jin, Y Ye
US Patent 8,630,958, 2014
Wasserstein distance and the distributionally robust TSP
JG Carlsson, M Behroozi, K Mihic
Operations Research 66 (6), 1603-1624, 2018
JD. com: Operations research algorithms drive intelligent warehouse robots to work
H Qin, J Xiao, D Ge, L Xin, J Gao, S He, H Hu, JG Carlsson
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 52 (1), 42-55, 2022
Dividing a territory among several facilities
JG Carlsson, R Devulapalli
INFORMS Journal on Computing 25 (4), 730-742, 2013
Euclidean hub-and-spoke networks
JG Carlsson, F Jia
Operations research 61 (6), 1360-1382, 2013
Continuous facility location with backbone network costs
JG Carlsson, F Jia
Transportation Science 49 (3), 433-451, 2015
Finding equitable convex partitions of points in a polygon efficiently
JG Carlsson, B Armbruster, Y Ye
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 6 (4), 1-19, 2010
Shadow prices in territory division
JG Carlsson, E Carlsson, R Devulapalli
Networks and Spatial Economics 16, 893-931, 2016
A bottleneck matching problem with edge-crossing constraints
JG Carlsson, B Armbruster, S Rahul, H Bellam
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 25 (04), 245-261, 2015
A linear relaxation algorithm for solving the sum-of-linear-ratios problem with lower dimension
JG Carlsson, J Shi
Operations Research Letters 41 (4), 381-389, 2013
An Approximation Algorithm for the Continuous k-Medians Problem in a Convex Polygon
JG Carlsson, F Jia, Y Li
INFORMS journal on computing 26 (2), 280-289, 2014
Optimization theory, methods, and applications in engineering 2013
JF Tsai, JG Carlsson, D Ge, H Yi-Chung, J Shi
Mathematical problems in engineering 2014, 2014
Household-level economies of scale in transportation
JG Carlsson, M Behroozi, R Devulapalli, X Meng
Operations Research 64 (6), 1372-1387, 2016
Balancing workloads of service vehicles over a geographic territory
JG Carlsson, E Carlsson, R Devulapalli
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
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