Jagadish Bentur
Jagadish Bentur
Agri Biotech Foundation Hyderabad
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RFLP and RAPD mapping of the rice gm2 gene that confers resistance to biotype 1 of gall midge (Orseolia oryzae)
M Mohan, S Nair, JS Bentur, UP Rao, J Bennett
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 87, 782-788, 1994
Situation of planthoppers in Asia
JLA Catindig, GS Arida, SE Baehaki, JS Bentur, LQ Cuong, M Norowi, ...
Planthoppers: new threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production …, 2009
Bt rice: practical steps to sustainable use.
MB Cohen, F Gould, JS Bentur
Genetic engineering of crop plants for insect resistance
PK Ranjekar, A Patankar, V Gupta, R Bhatnagar, J Bentur, PA Kumar
Current Science 84 (3), 321-329, 2003
Virulence of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) populations from South and South East Asia against resistant rice varieties
FG Horgan, AF Ramal, JS Bentur, R Kumar, KV Bhanu, PS Sarao, ...
Crop Protection 78, 222-231, 2015
DNA markers tightly linked to a gall midge resistance gene (Gm2) are potentially useful for marker-aided selection in rice breeding
S Nair, JS Bentur, UP Rao, M Mohan
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 91, 68-73, 1995
A new biotype of the Asian rice gall midge Orseolia oryzae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) characterized from the Warangal population in Andhra Pradesh, India
PV Lakshmi, S Amudhan, KH Bindu, C Cheralu, JS Bentur
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 26 (3), 207-211, 2006
A new rice gall midge resistance gene in the breeding line CR57-MR1523, mapping with flanking markers and development of NILs
K Himabindu, K Suneetha, V Sama, JS Bentur
Euphytica 174, 179-187, 2010
Gall midge resistance in rice
JS Bentur, IC Pasalu, NP Sarma, U Prasada Rao, B Mishra
Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad 20, 2003
Hypersensitive reaction and induced resistance in rice against the Asian rice gall midge Orseolia oryzae
JS Bentur, MB Kalode
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 78 (1), 77-81, 1996
Impact of small fitness costs on pest adaptation to crop varieties with multiple toxins: a heuristic model
F Gould, MB Cohen, JS Bentur, GG Kennedy, J VanDuyn
Journal of Economic Entomology 99 (6), 2091-2099, 2006
Identification of flanking SSR markers for a major rice gall midge resistance gene Gm1 and their validation
SK Biradar, RM Sundaram, T Thirumurugan, JS Bentur, S Amudhan, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 109, 1468-1473, 2004
Bt Rice in Asia: Potential Benefits, Impact, and Sustainability
MB Cohen, M Chen, JS Bentur, KL Heong, G Ye
Integration of insect-resistant genetically modified crops within IPM …, 2008
Biodiversity of Asian rice gall midge (Orseolia oryzae Wood Mason) from five countries examined by AFLP analysis
SK Katiyar, G Chandel, Y Tan, Y Zhang, B Huang, L Nugaliyadde, ...
Genome 43 (2), 322-332, 2000
Characterization of Indian biotypes of the rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae (Wood-Mason)(Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
MB Kalode, JS Bentur
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 10 (2), 219-224, 1989
Rice–gall midge interactions: battle for survival
JS Bentur, N Rawat, D Divya, DK Sinha, R Agarrwal, I Atray, S Nair
Journal of Insect Physiology 84, 40-49, 2016
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry based metabolic profiling reveals biomarkers involved in rice‐gall midge interactions
R Agarrwal, JS Bentur, S Nair
Journal of integrative plant biology 56 (9), 837-848, 2014
Frequency of Alleles Conferring Resistance to a Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin in a Philippine Population of Scirpophaga incertulas (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
JS Bentur, DA Andow, MB Cohen, AM Romena, F Gould
Journal of economic entomology 93 (5), 1515-1521, 2000
Inheritance of virulence in rice-gall midge.
JS Bentur, IC Pasalu, MB Kalode
Approaches in rice pest management-achievements and opportunities.
S Chelliah, JS Bentur, PS Prakasa Rao
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Articles 1–20