S. I. Serna-Garcés
Cited by
Cited by
Maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic panels by using improved pattern search methods
A Tobón, J Peláez-Restrepo, JP Villegas-Ceballos, SI Serna-Garcés, ...
Energies 10 (9), 1316, 2017
Sliding-Mode Control of a Charger/Discharger DC/DC Converter for DC-Bus Regulation in Renewable Power Systems
DGMCARP Sergio Ignacio Serna-Garcés
Energies 9 (4), 1-27, 2016
Asymmetrical interleaved DC/DC switching converters for photovoltaic and fuel cell applications—Part 1: Circuit generation, analysis and design
E Arango, CA Ramos-Paja, J Calvente, R Giral, S Serna
Energies 5 (11), 4590-4623, 2012
Control of a charger/discharger DC/DC converter with improved disturbance rejection for bus regulation
SI Serna-Garcés, D González Montoya, CA Ramos-Paja
Energies 11 (3), 594, 2018
Overall description of wind power systems
L Trejos-Grisales, C Guarnizo-Lemus, S Serna
Ingeniería y Ciencia 10 (19), 99-126, 2014
Charger/discharger DC/DC converter with interleaved configuration for DC‐bus regulation and battery protection
JP Villegas Ceballos, SI Serna‐Garcés, D González Montoya, ...
Energy Science & Engineering 8 (2), 530-543, 2020
Reconfiguration of urban photovoltaic arrays using commercial devices
SI Serna-Garcés, JD Bastidas-Rodríguez, CA Ramos-Paja
Energies 9 (1), 2, 2015
Compensation of DC-link voltage oscillations in grid-connected PV systems based on high order dc/dc converters
A Trejos, CA Ramos-Paja, S Serna
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Alternative Energies and Energy Quality …, 2012
Identification and control of delayed SISO systems through pattern search methods
J Herrera, A Ibeas, S Alcántara, M de la Sen, SI Serna-Garcés
Journal of the Franklin Institute 350 (10), 3128-3148, 2013
Sliding-mode controller for a photovoltaic system based on a Cuk converter
CA Ramos-Paja, D González-Motoya, JP Villegas-Seballos, ...
Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng.(IJECE) 11, 2027, 2021
Asymmetrical interleaved DC/DC switching converters for photovoltaic and fuel cell applications—Part 2: Control-oriented models
E Arango, CA Ramos-Paja, J Calvente, R Giral, SI Serna-Garces
Energies 6 (10), 5570-5596, 2013
Improved modelling of bypass diodes for photovoltaic applications
JD Bastidas-Rodríguez, CA Ramos-Paja, SI Serna-Garcés
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (8), 6261-6273, 2022
Modelo matemático de sistemas fotovoltaicos para búsqueda distribuida del punto de máxima potencia
EE Henao-Bravo, DA Márquez-Viloria, JP Villegas-Ceballos, ...
TecnoLógicas 19 (37), 107-124, 2016
A vectorial MPPT algorithm for distributed photovoltaic applications
CA Ramos-Paja, G Spagnuolo, G Petrone, S Serna, A Trejos
Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2013 International Conference on, 48,51, 2013
Modeling and control of ćuk converter operating in DCM
E Arango, CA Ramos-Paja, R Giral, S Serna, G Petrone
Electrical Engineering and Control: Selected Papers from the 2011 …, 2011
Contributions to the efficiency and safety of stand-alone DC microgrids
SI Serna Garcés
Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Manizales, 2019
Impacto de los incentivos del gobierno en la rentabilidad de la producción de energía renovable mediante celdas de combustible en Colombia
BA Potosí-Guerrero, CA Ramos-Paja, SI Serna-Garcés
TecnoLógicas 19 (37), 93-106, 2016
Model of series-parallel photovoltaic arrays using double-diode model and parallel Computing
JD Bastidas-Rodríguez, CA Ramos-Paja, SI Serna-Garcés
Computation 10 (6), 100, 2022
Trajectory generation for a robotic in a robocup test scenery using Kalman filter and B-spline curves
JC Restrepo, J Villegas, A Arias, S Serna, C Madrigal
2012 XVII Symposium of Image, Signal Processing, and Artificial Vision …, 2012
Especificación de perfil zigbee para monitoreo y control de plantas industriales
S Serna
TecnoLógicas, 167-185, 2009
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Articles 1–20