Thomas Barnebeck Andersen
Thomas Barnebeck Andersen
Department of Economics, University of Southern Denmark
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E-Government as an anti-corruption strategy
TB Andersen
Information Economics and Policy 21, 201-210, 2009
Financial liberalization, financial development and economic growth in LDCs
TB Andersen, F Tarp
Journal of international development 15, 189-209, 2003
US politics and World Bank IDA-lending
TB Andersen, H Hansen, T Markussen
Journal of Development Studies 42, 772-794, 2006
Power outages and economic growth in Africa
TB Andersen, CJ Dalgaard
Energy Economics 38, 19-23, 2013
The heavy plough and the agricultural revolution in medieval Europe
TB Andersen, PS Jensen, CV Skovsgaard
Journal of Development Economics 118, 133-149, 2016
On US politics and IMF lending
TB Andersen, T Harr, F Tarp
European Economic Review 50, 1843-1862, 2006
Pre-Reformation Roots of the Protestant Ethic
TB Andersen, J Bentzen, CJ Dalgaard, P Sharp
Economic Journal 127, 1756-1793, 2017
Does the Internet reduce corruption? Evidence from US states and across countries
TB Andersen, J Bentzen, CJ Dalgaard, P Selaya
World Bank Economic Review 25, 387-417, 2011
Flows of people, flows of ideas, and the inequality of nations
TB Andersen, CJ Dalgaard
Journal of Economic Growth 16, 1-32, 2011
Climate and the Emergence of Global Income Differences
TB Andersen, CJ Dalgaard, P Selaya
Review of Economic Studies 83, 1334-1363, 2016
Strategic interaction in undeveloped credit markets
TB Andersen, N Malchow-Møller
Journal of Development Economics 80, 275-298, 2006
Lightning, IT Diffusion and Economic Growth across US States
T Barnebeck Andersen, J Bentzen, CJ Dalgaard, P Selaya
Review of Economics and Statistics 94, 903-924, 2012
IMF and economic reform in developing countries
P Abbott, TB Andersen, F Tarp
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 50, 17-26, 2010
Inflation targeting and macroeconomic performance since the Great Recession
TB Andersen, N Malchow-Møller, J Nordvig
Oxford Economic Papers 67, 598-613, 2015
How much did China’s WTO accession increase economic growth in resource-rich countries?
TB Andersen, M Barslund, CW Hansen, T Harr, PS Jensen
China Economic Review 30, 16-26, 2014
The Finance–Growth Thesis: A Sceptical Assessment
TB Andersen, S Jones, F Tarp
Journal of African Economies 21, i57-i88, 2012
Preaching Democracy: The Second Vatican Council and the Third Wave
TB Andersen, PS Jensen
Journal of Comparative Economics 47, 525-540, 2019
Walking the talk: the need for a trial registry for development interventions
O Dahl Rasmussen, N Malchow-Møller, T Barnebeck Andersen
Journal of Development Effectiveness 3, 502-519, 2011
Is Africa's recent growth sustainable?
TB Andersen, PS Jensen
International Economic Journal 28, 207-223, 2013
Join to Prosper? An Empirical Analysis of EU Membership and Economic Growth
TB Andersen, M Barslund, P Vanhuysse
Kyklos 72, 211-238, 2019
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