Kenneth E. Wallen
Cited by
Cited by
Potential bias in pan trapping as a function of floral abundance
KA Baum, KE Wallen
Journal of the Kansas entomological society 84 (2), 155-159, 2011
The challenge and opportunity of behaviour change methods and frameworks to reduce demand for illegal wildlife
KE Wallen, E Daut
Nature Conservation 26, 55-75, 2018
Values, motivations, and intentions to engage in proenvironmental behavior
CJ Van Riper, C Lum, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, J Absher, AC Landon
Environment and Behavior 52 (4), 437-462, 2018
The antecedents of place attachment in the context of an Australian national park
CJ Van Riper, JI Yoon, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, AC Landon, C Raymond
Journal of Environmental Psychology 61, 1-9, 2019
Mode effect and response rate issues in mixed-mode survey research: Implications for recreational fisheries management
KE Wallen, AC Landon, GT Kyle, MA Schuett, J Leitz, K Kurzawski
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36 (4), 852-863, 2016
Social norms: More details, please
KE Wallen, CL Romulo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (27), E5283-E5284, 2017
Modeling the trust-risk relationship in a wildland recreation setting: A social exchange perspective
CJ Van Riper, KE Wallen, AC Landon, MA Petriello, GT Kyle, J Absher
Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism 13, 23-33, 2016
The efficacy of message frames on recreational boaters’ aquatic invasive species mitigation behavioral intentions
KE Wallen, GT Kyle
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23 (4), 297-312, 2018
Systematic map of conservation psychology
KE Wallen, AC Landon
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 1339-1352, 2020
Tools for assessing the psychometric adequacy of latent variables in conservation research
G Kyle, A Landon, J Vaske, KE Wallen
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 1353-1363, 2020
Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world
MS Reed, BG Merkle, EJ Cook, C Hafferty, AP Hejnowicz, R Holliman, ...
Sustainability Science, 1-10, 2024
The American West as a social-ecological region: drivers, dynamics and implications for nested social-ecological systems
K Jones, J Abrams, RT Belote, BJ Beltrán, J Brandt, N Carter, AJ Castro, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (11), 115008, 2019
Place-based motivations and normative beliefs predict pro-environmental behavior across involvement profiles
DN Johnson, NJ Shipley, CJ van Riper, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, A Landon, ...
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 35, 100377, 2021
Balancing waterfowl hunting opportunity and quality to recruit, retain, and reactivate
ML Schummer, J Simpson, JB Davis, B Shirkey, KE Wallen
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1-5, 2020
Accounting for gender in a study of the motivation-involvement relationship
E Morris, CJ Van Riper, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, J Absher
Leisure Sciences 40 (6), 494-507, 2018
Introduction: New directions in conservation psychology at a critical time.
AM Dietsch, KE Wallen, S Clayton, HE Kretser, GT Kyle, Z Ma, ...
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 2020
Integrative reflections on the new conservation science debate
MA Petriello, KE Wallen
Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 1549-1551, 2015
Integrating team science into interdisciplinary graduate education: an exploration of the SESYNC Graduate Pursuit
KE Wallen, K Filbee-Dexter, JB Pittman, SM Posner, SM Alexander, ...
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 9, 218-233, 2019
Social norms and persuasion
JM Nolan, KE Wallen
Cambridge handbook on compliance, 404-422, 2021
The influence of evangelical and political identity on climate change views
BS Lowe, GD Israel, R Paudyal, KE Wallen
Society & Natural Resources 35 (12), 1372-1389, 2022
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