Juan L. Celis-Diez
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Human-environment system knowledge: A correlate of pro-environmental behavior
P Díaz-Siefer, A Neaman, E Salgado, JL Celis-Diez, S Otto
Sustainability 7 (11), 15510-15526, 2015
Old-growth temperate rainforests of South America: conservation, plant–animal interactions, and baseline biogeochemical processes
JJ Armesto, C Smith-Ramírez, MR Carmona, JL Celis-Diez, IA Díaz, ...
Old-Growth Forests: Function, Fate and Value, 367-390, 2009
Assessing frequency-dependent seed size selection: a field experiment
JL Celis-Diez, RO Bustamante, RA Vásquez
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 81 (2), 307-312, 2004
Population abundance, natural history, and habitat use by the arboreal marsupial Dromiciops gliroides in rural Chiloé Island, Chile
JL Celis-Diez, J Hetz, PA Marín-Vial, G Fuster, P Necochea, RA Vásquez, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 93 (1), 134-148, 2012
Bird-mediated effects of pest control services on crop productivity: a global synthesis
P Díaz-Siefer, N Olmos-Moya, FE Fontúrbel, B Lavandero, RA Pozo, ...
Journal of Pest Science, 1-10, 2022
The role of insect pollinators in avocado production: A global review
K Dymond, JL Celis‐Diez, SG Potts, BG Howlett, BK Willcox, MPD Garratt
Journal of Applied Entomology 145 (5), 369-383, 2021
Biocultural homogenization in urban settings: Public knowledge of birds in city parks of Santiago, Chile
JL Celis-Diez, CE Muñoz, S Abades, PA Marquet, JJ Armesto
Sustainability 9 (4), 485, 2017
Estación Biológica Senda Darwin: Investigación ecológica de largo plazo en la interfase ciencia-sociedad
MR Carmona, JC Aravena, MA Bustamante-Sanchez, JL Celis-Diez, ...
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83 (1), 113-142, 2010
Biodiversity knowledge loss in children's books and textbooks
JL Celis Diez, J Díaz Forestier, M Márquez Garcia, S Lazzarino, R Rozzi, ...
Herbivory and seedling performance in a fragmented temperate forest of Chile
JA Simonetti, AA Grez, JL Celis-Diez, RO Bustamante
Acta Oecologica 32 (3), 312-318, 2007
Molecular characterization of an ancient Hepatozoon species parasitizing the ‘living fossil’ marsupial ‘Monito del Monte’ Dromiciops gliroides from Chile
S Merino, RA Vásquez, J Martínez, JL Celis-Diez, L Gutiérrez-Jiménez, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98 (3), 568-576, 2009
Social-environmental conflicts in Chile: is there any potential for an ecological constitution?
M Berasaluce, P Díaz-Siefer, P Rodríguez-Díaz, M Mena-Carrasco, ...
Sustainability 13 (22), 12701, 2021
Dissemination of Botryosphaeriaceae conidia in vineyards in the semiarid Mediterranean climate of the Valparaíso Region of Chile
D Valencia, C Torres, R Camps, E Lopez, JL Celis-Diez, X Besoain
Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 394-402, 2015
Which soil Cu pool governs phytotoxicity in field-collected soils contaminated by copper smelting activities in central Chile?
F Lillo-Robles, J Tapia-Gatica, P Díaz-Siefer, H Moya, C Youlton, ...
Chemosphere 242, 125176, 2020
Fauna de los bosques templados de Chile
JLC Diez
Corporación Chilena de la Madera, 2011
Effects of leaf litter and precipitation on germination and seedling survival of the endangered tree Beilschmiedia miersii
PI Becerra, JL Celis‐Diez, RO Bustamante
Applied Vegetation Science 7 (2), 253-257, 2004
Diversidad en bosques fragmentados de Chiloé:¿ Son todos los fragmentos iguales
R Jaña-Prado, JL Celis-Diez, AG Gutiérrez, C Cornelius, JJ Armesto
Biodiversidad en ambientes fragmentados de Chile: Patrones y procesos a …, 2006
Thresholds of arsenic toxicity to Eisenia fetida in field-collected agricultural soils exposed to copper mining activities in Chile
V Bustos, P Mondaca, J Verdejo, S Sauvé, H Gaete, JL Celis-Diez, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 122, 448-454, 2015
Native useful plants of Chile: a review and use patterns
J Díaz-Forestier, P León-Lobos, A Marticorena, JL Celis-Diez, ...
Economic Botany 73, 112-126, 2019
Assessment of revegetation of an acidic metal(loid)-polluted soils six years after the incorporation of lime with and without compost
J Pardo, P Mondaca, JL Celis-Diez, R Ginocchio, C Navarro-Villarroel, ...
Geoderma 331, 81-86, 2018
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Articles 1–20