Elina Avila-Ordóñez
Elina Avila-Ordóñez
KU Leuven, Leuven Mobility Research Centre - CIB. Celestijnenlaan 300, Box 2422, BE-3001, Leuven – Belgium. Department of Computer Science, University of Cuenca. 12 de Abril Av., ECU-010150, Cuenca – Ecuador
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Cited by
Cited by
Literature review of data mining applications in academic libraries
L Siguenza-Guzman, V Saquicela, E Avila-Ordóñez, J Vandewalle, ...
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 41 (4), 499-510, 2015
A Systematic Review of COVID-19 Transport Policies and Mitigation Strategies Around the Globe
FC Peralvo, PC Vanegas, E Avila-Ordóñez
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives, 100653, 2022
The design of a Flexible Bus Line Plan
E Avila-Ordóñez, CMJ Tampère, PV Peralta, P Vansteenwegen
Expert Systems with Applications, 117352, 2022
Evaluating the performance of a genetic algorithm to solve the line planning problem for a bus service
PV Elina Avila-Ordóñez,Chris M. J. Tampère, Pablo Vanegas
MASKANA 8 (1), 150-170, 2018
Ramp Metering Strategies: A Literature Review
P Cazorla, F Calderón, E Avila-Ordóñez
Revista Politécnica 50 (1), 2022
Flexible bus lines for congested areas
P Vansteenwegen, EM Avila Ordóñez
Euro 2018, Date: 2018/07/08-2018/07/11, Location: Valencia, Spain, 2018
Flexible Bus Lines designed for unusual situations
EM Avila Ordóñez, P Vansteenwegen, PF Vanegas Pena, C Tampère
OR2018 conference-international conference of the German Operations Research …, 2018
Insights of Flexible Line Planning
EM Avila Ordóñez, P Vansteenwegen, C Tampère
Orbel, Date: 2017/02/02-2017/02/03, Location: Brussels, 2017
A flexible bus line planning
EM Avila Ordóñez, P Vansteenwegen, C Tampère
hEART Conference, Location: Delft, The Netherlands, 2016
Sensitivity analysis of line planning of public bus services
E Avila Ordóñez, P Vansteenwegen
29th Belgian Conference on Operations Research, 124-125, 2015
Towards a Flexible and Adaptive Planning of Public Transportation: A sensitivity analysis of the Network Design
E Avila-Ordóñez, P Vansteenwegen
Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport, Date: 2015/07/19-2015/07 …, 2015
Integrando sensibilidad al contexto, folcksonomías y ontologías a sistemas de administración de proyectos
EM Ávila Ordóñez
Facultad de Informática, 2011
Sistema informático para la administración de la Cooperativa de Consumo de la Universidad de Cuenca
EM Avila Ordóñez, JJ Gomezcoello Rodríguez, AP Méndez Rojas, ...
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