Ye Tian (田野)
Ye Tian (田野)
Liaoning Academy of Materials
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Cited by
Deformation microstructure and deformation-induced martensite in austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni alloys depending on stacking fault energy
YE Tian, OI Gorbatov, A Borgenstam, AV Ruban, P Hedström
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 48, 1-7, 2017
Micromechanics and microstructure evolution during in situ uniaxial tensile loading of TRIP-assisted duplex stainless steels
Y Tian, S Lin, JY Peter Ko, U Lienert, A Borgenstam, P Hedström
Materials Science and Engineering: A 734 (2018), 281-290, 2018
Comparing the deformation-induced martensitic transformation with the athermal martensitic transformation in Fe-Cr-Ni alloys
Y Tian, A Borgenstam, P Hedström
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 766, 131-139, 2018
An experimental and theoretical study of duplex fcc+ hcp cobalt based entropic alloys
W Wang, Z Hou, R Lizárraga, Y Tian, RP Babu, E Holmström, H Mao, ...
Acta Materialia 176, 11-18, 2019
Martensite formation during incremental cooling of Fe-Cr-Ni alloys: An in-situ bulk X-ray study of the grain-averaged and single-grain behavior
Y Tian, U Lienert, A Borgenstam, T Fischer, P Hedström
Scripta Materialia 136, 124-127, 2017
Correlating temperature-dependent stacking fault energy and in-situ bulk deformation behavior for a metastable austenitic stainless steel
B Neding, Y Tian, JYP Ko, P Hedström
Materials Science and Engineering: A 832, 142403, 2022
A microstructural investigation of athermal and deformation-induced martensite in Fe-Cr-Ni alloys
Y Tian, A Borgenstam, P Hedström
Materials Today: Proceedings 2, S687-S690, 2015
A biodegradable 3D woven magnesium-based scaffold for orthopedic implants
J Xue, S Singh, Y Zhou, A Perdomo-Pantoja, Y Tian, N Gupta, TF Witham, ...
Biofabrication 14 (3), 034107, 2022
Martensitic Transformation in Stainless Steels
Y Tian
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018
Mechanical stability of austenite grains towards martensitic transformation in a TRIP-assisted duplex stainless steel
Y Tian, Y Das, A Borgenstam, P Hedström
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Articles 1–10