Carla Sofia Silva
Carla Sofia Silva
University of Lisbon, Faculty of Psychology
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Influência do género, da família e dos serviços de psicologia e orientação na tomada de decisão de carreira
M Pocinho, A Correia, RG Carvalho, C Silva
Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profi ssional 11, 201-212, 2010
Comportamento Adaptativo e Perspectivação do Futuro: Algumas Evidências nos Contextos da Educação e da Saúde
RG Carvalho, M Pocinho, C Silva
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 23, 554-561, 2010
The relationship between family climate and identity development processes: the moderating role of developmental stages and outcomes
A Prioste, P Tavares, CS Silva, E Magalhães
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 1525-1536, 2020
On the relation between over-indebtedness and well-being: an analysis of the mechanisms influencing health, sleep, life satisfaction, and emotional well-being
MB Ferreira, F de Almeida, JC Soro, MM Herter, DC Pinto, CS Silva
Frontiers in psychology 12, 591875, 2021
Interparental conflict and adolescents' self-representations: The role of emotional insecurity
CS Silva, MM Calheiros, H Carvalho
Journal of adolescence 52, 76-88, 2016
Attitudes toward money and control strategies of financial behavior: A comparison between overindebted and non-overindebted consumers
F de Almeida, MB Ferreira, JC Soro, CS Silva
Frontiers in psychology 12, 566594, 2021
Child Maltreatment Severity Questionnaire (MSQ) for professionals: Development, validity, and reliability evidence
MM Calheiros, CS Silva, E Magalhães
Assessment 28 (5), 1397-1417, 2021
Organizational social context and psychopathology of youth in residential care: the intervening role of youth‐caregiver relationship quality
CS Silva, MM Calheiros, H Carvalho, E Magalhães
Applied Psychology, 2021
Stop yelling: Interparental conflict and adolescents’ self-representations as mediated by their perceived relationships with parents
CS Silva, MM Calheiros
Journal of family issues 39 (7), 2174-2204, 2018
Early interventions tackling inequalities experienced by immigrant, low-income, and Roma children in 8 European countries: a critical overview
C Aguiar, CS Silva, R Guerra, RB Rodrigues, LA Ribeiro, G Pastori, ...
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 28 (1), 58-76, 2020
Maltreatment experiences and psychopathology in children and adolescents: The intervening role of domain-specific self-representations moderated by age
CS Silva, MM Calheiros
Child Abuse & Neglect 99, 104255, 2020
Development and Psychometric Properties of the Self-Representation Questionnaire for Adolescents (SRQA)
CS Silva, AC Martins, MM Calheiros
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25 (9), 2718–2732, 2016
Social support as a moderator of associations between youths’ perceptions of their social images and self-representations in residential care
MM Calheiros, JN Patrício, CS Silva
Children and Youth Services Review 119, 105667, 2020
Maltreatment and youth self-representations in residential care: The moderating role of individual and placement variables
MM Calheiros, C Silva, JN Patrício
Children and Youth Services Review 116, 105230, 2020
Extravasamento trabalho-família: quando é que as condições de trabalho contribuem para práticas maternas abusivas?
MM Calheiros, ML Lima, C Silva
Revista Aletheia, 23-41, 2012
Case studies on curriculum, pedagogy, and social climate interventions tackling inequalities
C Aguiar, CS Silva
ISOTIS D4 3, 2019
Youth’s self-construction in the context of residential care: The looking-glass self within the youth-caregiver relationship
CS Silva, MM Calheiros
Children and Youth Services Review 132, 106328, 2022
‘Why do I think what I think I am?’: Mothers’ and fathers’ contributions to adolescents’ self-representations
CS Silva, AC Martins, MM Calheiros
Self and Identity 20 (8), 1015-1035, 2021
Security in the Interparental Subsystem (SIS) Scale: Psychometric characteristics in a sample of portuguese adolescents
CS Silva, MM Calheiros, H Carvalho
Journal of family violence 31, 147-159, 2016
Organizational social context and academic achievement of youth in residential care: The mediating role of youth-caregiver relationship quality
CS Silva, H Carvalho, E Magalhães, S Attar-Schwartz, S Ornelas, ...
Children and Youth Services Review 137, 106449, 2022
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Articles 1–20