Torben Hansen
Torben Hansen
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Marketing management: European edition
P Kotler, M Brady, M Goodman, T Hansen
Pearson Higher Ed, 2019
Predicting online grocery buying intention: a comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior
T Hansen, JM Jensen, HS Solgaard
International Journal of Information Management 24 (6), 539-550, 2004
Consumer values, the theory of planned behaviour and online grocery shopping
T Hansen
International Journal of Consumer Studies 32 (2), 128-137, 2008
An empirical examination of brand loyalty
J Møller Jensen, T Hansen
Journal of Product & Brand Management 15 (7), 442-449, 2006
Shopping orientation and online clothing purchases: the role of gender and purchase situation
T Hansen, JM Jensen
European Journal of Marketing, 2009
How the interplay between consumer motivations and values influences organic food identity and behavior
T Hansen, MI Sørensen, MLR Eriksen
Food policy 74, 39-52, 2018
Consumer adoption of online grocery buying: a discriminant analysis
T Hansen
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 33 (2), 101-121, 2005
A hierarchical Bayes model of choice between supermarket formats
HS Solgaard, T Hansen
Journal of retailing and Consumer Services 10 (3), 169-180, 2003
Marketing Management: 4th European Edition
P Kotler, KL Keller, M Brady, M Goodman, T Hansen
Pearson UK 13 (3), 2019
Perspectives on consumer decision making: An integrated approach
T Hansen
Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 4 (6), 420-437, 2005
Understanding trust in financial services: the influence of financial healthiness, knowledge, and satisfaction
T Hansen
Journal of Service Research 15 (3), 280-295, 2012
Determinants of consumers' repeat online buying of groceries
T Hansen
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 16 (1 …, 2006
Understanding consumer perception of food quality: the cases of shrimps and cheese
T Hansen
British Food Journal 107 (7), 500-525, 2005
Managing consumer complaints: differences and similarities among heterogeneous retailers
T Hansen, R Wilke, J Zaichkowsky
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 38 (1), 6-23, 2010
Understanding consumer purchase of free‐of cosmetics: A value‐driven TRA approach
T Hansen, MS Risborg, CD Steen
Journal of consumer behaviour 11 (6), 477-486, 2012
Intertype competition: specialty food stores competing with supermarkets
T Hansen
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 10 (1), 35-49, 2003
The moderating influence of broad‐scope trust on customer–seller relationships
T Hansen
Psychology & Marketing 29 (5), 350-364, 2012
Quality in the marketplace:: A theoretical and empirical investigation
T Hansen
European management journal 19 (2), 203-211, 2001
New perspectives on retailing and store patronage behavior: A study of the interface between retailers and consumers
T Hansen, HS Solgaard
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Marketing management (4th European ed.)
P Kotler, KL Keller, M Brady, M Goodman, T Hansen
Harlow: Pearson Education, 2019
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