Anders Søndberg Sørensen
Anders Søndberg Sørensen
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Quantum interface between light and atomic ensembles
K Hammerer, AS Sørensen, ES Polzik
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (2), 1041-1093, 2010
A single-photon transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons
DE Chang, AS Sørensen, EA Demler, MD Lukin
Nature physics 3 (11), 807-812, 2007
Quantum computation with ions in thermal motion
A Sørensen, K Mølmer
Physical review letters 82 (9), 1971, 1999
Quantum entanglement between an optical photon and a solid-state spin qubit
E Togan, Y Chu, AS Trifonov, L Jiang, J Maze, L Childress, MVG Dutt, ...
Nature 466 (7307), 730-734, 2010
Multiparticle entanglement of hot trapped ions
K Mølmer, A Sørensen
Physical Review Letters 82 (9), 1835, 1999
Many-particle entanglement with Bose–Einstein condensates
A Sørensen, LM Duan, JI Cirac, P Zoller
Nature 409 (6816), 63-66, 2001
Quantum optics with surface plasmons
DE Chang, AS Sørensen, PR Hemmer, MD Lukin
Physical review letters 97 (5), 053002, 2006
Entanglement and quantum computation with ions in thermal motion
A Sørensen, K Mølmer
Physical Review A 62 (2), 022311, 2000
A quantum network of clocks
P Komar, EM Kessler, M Bishof, L Jiang, AS Sørensen, J Ye, MD Lukin
Nature Physics 10 (8), 582-587, 2014
Fractional quantum Hall states of atoms in optical lattices
AS Sørensen, E Demler, MD Lukin
Physical review letters 94 (8), 086803, 2005
Entanglement and extreme spin squeezing
AS Sørensen, K Mølmer
Physical review letters 86 (20), 4431, 2001
Optomechanical transducers for long-distance quantum communication
K Stannigel, P Rabl, AS Sørensen, P Zoller, MD Lukin
Physical review letters 105 (22), 220501, 2010
Optical detection of radio waves through a nanomechanical transducer
T Bagci, A Simonsen, S Schmid, LG Villanueva, E Zeuthen, J Appel, ...
Nature 507 (7490), 81-85, 2014
Strong coupling of single emitters to surface plasmons
DE Chang, AS Sørensen, PR Hemmer, MD Lukin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (3), 035420, 2007
Fault-tolerant quantum communication based on solid-state photon emitters
L Childress, JM Taylor, AS Sørensen, MD Lukin
Physical review letters 96 (7), 070504, 2006
Distributed quantum computation based on small quantum registers
L Jiang, JM Taylor, AS Sørensen, MD Lukin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (6), 062323, 2007
Universal approach to optimal photon storage in atomic media
AV Gorshkov, A André, M Fleischhauer, AS Sørensen, MD Lukin
Physical review letters 98 (12), 123601, 2007
Dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state of two quantum bits
Y Lin, JP Gaebler, F Reiter, TR Tan, R Bowler, AS Sørensen, D Leibfried, ...
Nature 504 (7480), 415-418, 2013
Dissipative preparation of entanglement in optical cavities
MJ Kastoryano, F Reiter, AS Sørensen
Physical review letters 106 (9), 090502, 2011
Photon storage in -type optically dense atomic media. II. Free-space model
AV Gorshkov, A André, MD Lukin, AS Sørensen
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (3), 033805, 2007
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