Nina Bonderup Dohn
Nina Bonderup Dohn
Professor, Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
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Web 2.0: Inherent tensions and evident challenges for education
NB Dohn
International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning 4, 343-363, 2009
Knowledge and skills for PISA—Assessing the assessment
NB Dohn
Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (1), 1-16, 2007
Affordances revisited: articulating a Merleau-Pontian view
N Bonderup Dohn
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 4, 151-170, 2009
On the epistemological presuppositions of reflective activities
NB Dohn
Educational Theory 61 (6), 671-708, 2011
Newly qualified nurses—Experiences of interaction with members of a community of practice
L Thrysoe, L Hounsgaard, NB Dohn, L Wagner
Nurse education today 32 (5), 551-555, 2012
Expectations of becoming a nurse and experiences on being a nurse
L Thrysoe, L Hounsgaard, NB Dohn, L Wagner
Vård i Norden 31 (3), 15-19, 2011
Participating in a community of practice as a prerequisite for becoming a nurse–Trajectories as final year nursing students
L Thrysoe, L Hounsgaard, NB Dohn, L Wagner
Nurse Education in Practice 10 (6), 361-366, 2010
Design for networked learning: framing relations between participants’ activities and the physical setting
P Goodyear, L Carvalho, NB Dohn
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on networked learning, 137-144, 2014
Is networked learning postdigital education?
M De Laat, NB Dohn
Postdigital Science and Education 1, 17-20, 2019
E-læring på web 2.0
L Johnsen, NB Dohn
Samfundslitteratur, 2009
Artefacts and activities in the analysis of learning networks
P Goodyear, L Carvalho, NB Dohn
Research, boundaries, and policy in networked learning, 93-110, 2016
Implications for networked learning of the ‘practice’side of social practice theories: A tacit-knowledge perspective
NB Dohn
The design, experience and practice of networked learning, 29-49, 2013
Teaching with wikis and blogs: Potentials and pitfalls
NB Dohn
Proceedings of the 7th International conference on networked learning, 142-150, 2010
Reflections and challenges in networked learning
NB Dohn, JA Sime, S Cranmer, T Ryberg, M de Laat
Networked learning: Reflections and challenges, 187-212, 2018
Integrating Facebook in upper secondary biology instruction: a case study of students’ situational interest and participation in learning communication
NB Dohn, NB Dohn
Research in Science Education 47, 1305-1329, 2017
Web 2.0‑Mediated Competence — Implicit Educational Demands on Learners
NB Dohn
Electronic Journal of E-learning 7 (2), pp111‑118-pp111‑118, 2009
Survey: Artificial Intelligence, computational thinking and learning
NB Dohn, Y Kafai, A Mørch, M Ragni
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 36 (1), 5-16, 2022
On the concept of context
NB Dohn, SB Hansen, SH Klausen
Education sciences 8 (3), 111, 2018
Affordances-a merleau-pontian account
NB Dohn
Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006, 8 pages, 2006
Designing for learning in a networked world
NB Dohn
Routledge, 2018
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