Christoph ENDENICH
Christoph ENDENICH
Professor of Management Accounting and Control, ESSEC Business School
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Cited by
Institutional drivers of conformity–Evidence for management accounting from Brazil and Germany
M Brandau, C Endenich, R Trapp, A Hoffjan
International Business Review 22 (2), 466-479, 2013
CEO Characteristics and Budgeting Practices in Emerging Market SMEs
U Zor, S Linder, C Endenich
Journal of Small Business Management, 2019
Ethical Implications of Management Accounting and Control: A Systematic Review of the Contributions from the Journal of Business Ethics
C Endenich, R Trapp
Journal of Business Ethics, 2020
Two decades of research on comparative management accounting–achievements and future directions
C Endenich, M Brandau, A Hoffjan
Australian Accounting Review 21 (4), 365-382, 2011
Signaling effects of scholarly profiles–The editorial teams of North American accounting association journals
C Endenich, R Trapp
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 51, 4-23, 2018
Economic crisis as a driver of management accounting change: Comparative evidence from Germany and Spain
C Endenich
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 15 (1), 123-149, 2014
Back to basics or ready for take-off? The tensions on the role of management controllers in the digital age
F Cavélius, C Endenich, A Zicari
Comptabilité-Contrôle-Audit 26 (2), 89-123, 2020
Cooperation for publication? An analysis of co-authorship patterns in leading accounting journals
C Endenich, R Trapp
European Accounting Review 25 (3), 613-633, 2016
Separation–integration–and now…? A historical perspective on the relationship between German management accounting and financial accounting
M Brandau, C Endenich, R Luther, R Trapp
Accounting History 22 (1), 67-91, 2017
Comparative management accounting: ein Vergleich der Controllingforschung und-praxis in Deutschland und Spanien
C Endenich
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Wait-and-see-ISM as Partial Adoption of Management Practices: the Rise and Stall of Integrated Reporting
C Endenich, R Hahn, D Reimsbach, C Wickert
Strategic Organization, 2022
Management accounting networks in corporate processes–a cross-national study
C Endenich, R Trapp, M Brandau
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 13 (1), 25-43, 2017
Entrepreneurial ecosystems as amplifiers of the Lean Startup philosophy: Management control practices in earliest-stage startups
SD Becker, C Endenich
Contemporary Accounting Research, 2023
The importance of management control systems for startup funding–empirical evidence from external financiers
H Schachel, M Lachmann, C Endenich, O Breucker
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 2021
International budgeting—challenges for German-French companies
A Hoffjan, R Trapp, C Endenich, T Boucoiran
Journal of Management Control 23 (1), 5-25, 2012
Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling in Klein-und Mittelunternehmen
C Endenich, R Trapp
Controlling–Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen, 229-246, 2019
Harmonizing management accounting in international subsidiaries: beyond national borders
C Endenich, A Hoffjan, T Schlichting, R Trapp
Journal of Business Strategy 37 (1), 27-33, 2016
The relationship between management control systems and innovativeness in start-ups: evidence for product, business model, and ambidextrous innovation
C Endenich, M Lachmann, H Schachel, J Zajkowska
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 2022
Zur Integration von Nachhaltigkeit in das Controlling – Eine empirische Analyse
S Bernatzky, C Endenich, A Wömpener
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP) 70 (2), 202-226, 2018
Besonderheiten des Controllings im internationalen Umfeld
A Hoffjan, C Endenich
Handbuch Controlling, 553-565, 2016
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Articles 1–20