Tobias Klein
Cited by
Cited by
Retirement and subjective well-being
E Bonsang, TJ Klein
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 83 (3), 311-329, 2012
End-of-life medical spending in last twelve months of life is lower than previously reported
EB French, J McCauley, M Aragon, P Bakx, M Chalkley, SH Chen, ...
Health Affairs 36 (7), 1211-1217, 2017
Market Transparency, Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
TJ Klein, C Lambertz, KO Stahl
Journal of Political Economy 124 (6), 1677-1713, 2016
The effects of access to health insurance: evidence from a regression discontinuity design in Peru
N Bernal, MA Carpio, TJ Klein
Journal of Public Economics 154, 122-136, 2017
The effect of private health insurance on medical care utilization and self‐assessed health in Germany
P Hullegie, TJ Klein
Health economics 19 (9), 1048-1062, 2010
Assessing Unilateral Merger Effects in a Two-Sided Market: An Application to the Dutch Daily Newspaper Market
L Filistrucchi, TJ Klein, TO Michielsen
Journal of Competition Law and Economics 8 (2), 297-329, 2012
Upward pricing pressure in two‐sided markets
P Affeldt, L Filistrucchi, TJ Klein
The Economic Journal 123 (572), F505-F523, 2013
Heterogeneous treatment effects: Instrumental variables without monotonicity?
TJ Klein
Journal of Econometrics 155 (2), 99-116, 2010
Last minute feedback
T Klein, C Lambertz, G Spagnolo, KO Stahl
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2006
The actual structure of eBay's feedback mechanism and early evidence on the effects of recent changes
TJ Klein, C Lambertz, G Spagnolo, KO Stahl
International Journal of Electronic Business 7 (3), 301-320, 2009
Skewed, persistent and high before death: medical spending in Germany
M Karlsson, TJ Klein, NR Ziebarth
Fiscal Studies 37 (3-4), 527-559, 2016
Mergers in two-sided markets: a report to the NMA
E Van Damme, L Filistrucchi, D Geradin, S Keunen, TJ Klein, T Michielsen, ...
Dutch Competition Authority, 2010
Price competition in two-sided markets with heterogeneous consumers and network effects
L Filistrucchi, TJ Klein
Available at SSRN 2336411, 2013
Framing Effects and Impatience: Evidence from a Large Scale Experiment
E van der Heijden, TJ Klein, W Müller, J Potters
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2012
Advertising as a reminder: Evidence from the Dutch State Lottery
C He, TJ Klein
Marketing Science 42 (5), 892-909, 2023
The response to dynamic incentives in insurance contracts with a deductible: Evidence from a differences-in-regression-discontinuities design
TJ Klein, M Salm, S Upadhyay
Journal of Public Economics 210, 104660, 2022
Does the framing of patient cost-sharing incentives matter? the effects of deductibles vs. no-claim refunds
AP Hayen, TJ Klein, M Salm
Journal of Health Economics 80, 102520, 2021
Consumer time budgets and grocery shopping behavior
BJ Bronnenberg, TJ Klein, Y Xu
Management Science 70 (3), 1596-1612, 2024
Ownership and control in a competitive industry
H Karle, T Klein, K Stahl
Available at SSRN 1987607, 2012
Returns to type or tenure?
RA Amann, TJ Klein
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2012
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Articles 1–20