Peter Clement Lund
Peter Clement Lund
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.d., Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University
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Cited by
Cited by
Deconstructing grief: A sociological analysis of prolonged grief disorder
PC Lund
Social Theory & Health 19 (2), 186-200, 2021
Social normativity of research methods and the methodological discrepancy between mainstream psychological research and danish psychology students’ master’s thesis projects
T Szulevicz, PC Lund, RL Lund
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 56 (4), 863-878, 2022
Is another kind of biologization possible? On biology and the psy sciences
S Brinkmann, R Birk, PC Lund
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 57 (3), 719-737, 2023
Recreational grief as resonance-sociological notes on grief in popular culture
PC Lund
Mortality 27 (1), 90-106, 2022
Spectacular grief: On three main trends in the way we deal with loss in contemporary society
MH Jacobsen, PC Lund, A Petersen
The age of spectacular death, 161-183, 2020
Gode vibrationer: Om Hartmut Rosa som naturfilosof
MHL Laugesen, PC Lund
Paradoks, 2022
Prolonged Grief Disorder: An Implementation Gone Awry and a Researcher Going Gonzo
PC Lund
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20, 16094069211020176, 2021
Grief as Disorder: On the transformation of grief from existential emotion to pathological entity
PC Lund
Det psykologiske kandidatspeciale–imellem teori, metoder og diagnoser
T Szulevicz, PC Lund, RL Lund
Psyke & Logos 41 (2), 201-224, 2020
¿ Pueden los jóvenes en la escuela tentarse de comprar refrigerios más saludables combiando la Dinámica de elección en una cafetería?: El artículo fue presentado en el 21º …
BE Mikkelsen, PC Lund, AE Malling, AQ Romani
Actualización en Nutrición 19 (2), 52-54, 2018
Book Review: The urban brain: Mental health in the vital city, by Nikolas Rose and Des Fitzgerald
PC Lund
Journal of Urban Affairs, 2023
The urban brain: Mental health in the vital city, by Nikolas Rose and Des Fitzgerald: Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2022
PC Lund
Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-2, 2023
Den store resynkronisering: Resonansens betydning for liv og politik
MHL Laugesen, PC Lund
Paradoks, 2022
Sorgens singularitet–og dens banalitet
PC Lund
Nordiske Udkast 48 (2), 22-38, 2021
Suffering in Contemporary Society
ATB Sköld, PC Lund
Qualitative Studies 6 (1), 1-10, 2021
Sorg og Prolonged Grief Disorder i et sociologisk perspektiv
PC Lund
Menneskets sorg: Et vilkår i forandring, 45-68, 2021
Det pædagogisk-psykologiske kandidatspeciale-hvordan skrives der om PPR i danske kandidatspecialer?
T Szulevicz, PC Lund, RL Lund
Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 96-107, 2021
3 The new diagnosis: prolonged grief disorder–what does it do to us, what does it do for us?
N Saxtrup, PC Lund, C Schacht-Magnussen, O Hartling
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 24 (Suppl 2), A1-A2, 2019
Nudging i kantiner på erhvervsskoler: Analyse af effekten af gentagen eksponering med sunde snacks i 13 kantiner i efteråret 2015
BE Mikkelsen, PC Lund, AE Malling, KD Pawlowski, AQ Romani
Alternative Behandlinger
PC Lund
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Articles 1–20