Lea Svenningsen
Lea Svenningsen
Postdoc, DTU Management Engineering
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Citeret af
Testing the effect of changes in elicitation format, payment vehicle and bid range on the hypothetical bias for moral goods
LS Svenningsen, JB Jacobsen
Journal of choice modelling 29, 17-32, 2018
Preferences for distributional impacts of climate policy
LS Svenningsen, BJ Thorsen
Environmental and Resource Economics 75 (1), 1-24, 2020
Citizens in the lab: performance and validation of eDNA results
AP Tøttrup, L Svenningsen, M Rytter, MR Lillemark, PDR Møller, ...
Ubiquity Press, 2021
The effect of gain-loss framing on climate policy preferences
LS Svenningsen, BJ Thorsen
Ecological Economics 185, 107009, 2021
Social preferences for distributive outcomes of climate policy
LS Svenningsen
Climatic Change 157 (2), 319-336, 2019
Unattainable proximity: Solar power and peri-urbanity in central Burkina Faso
R Cantoni, LS Svenningsen, S Sanfo
Energy Policy 150, 112127, 2021
Distributive outcomes matter: Measuring social preferences for climate policy
LS Svenningsen
IFRO Working Paper, 2017
Beyond the stage-damage function: Estimating the economic damage on residential buildings from storm surges
LS Svenningsen, L Bay, ML Doemgaard, K Halsnaes, PS Kaspersen, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2020, 1-24, 2020
Thankful or thankless: Does the past’s altruism increase the present’s public good contributions?
AL Abatayo, LS Svenningsen, BJ Thorsen
Games 11 (1), 6, 2020
Omkostninger ved kystoversvømmelse i Jyllinge Nordmark: Resultater fra spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt beboere
K Halsnæs, PL Møller, L Bay, LS Svenningsen, ML Dømgaard, ...
Technical University of Denmark, 2020
Guidance note on how to design transformational mitigation projects a checklist for project developers and managers
S Wienges, S Egbers, KH Olsen, LS Svenningsen
Generational Solidarity for Global Public Goods
A Abatayo, L Svenningsen, B Thorsen
Available at SSRN 4247437, 2022
Omkostninger ved kystoversvømmelse i Jyllinge Nordmark
K Halsnæs, PL Møller, L Bay, LS Svenningsen, ML Dømgaard
COHERENT research project-status and perspective
K Halsnæs, LS Svenningsen
Sustain conference 2018: Creating Technology for a Sustainable Society, X-6, 2018
Journal of Choice Modelling
LS Svenningsen, JB Jacobsen
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