Abad Chabbi
Cited by
Cited by
Towards a global-scale soil climate mitigation strategy
W Amelung, D Bossio, W de Vries, I Kögel-Knabner, J Lehmann, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5427, 2020
High microbial diversity promotes soil ecosystem functioning
PA Maron, A Sarr, A Kaisermann, J Lévêque, O Mathieu, J Guigue, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (9), e02738-17, 2018
Aligning agriculture and climate policy
A Chabbi, J Lehmann, P Ciais, HW Loescher, MF Cotrufo, A Don, ...
Nature climate change 7 (5), 307-309, 2017
Soil environmental conditions rather than denitrifier abundance and diversity drive potential denitrification after changes in land uses
E Attard, S Recous, A Chabbi, C De Berranger, N Guillaumaud, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (5), 1975-1989, 2011
Stabilised carbon in subsoil horizons is located in spatially distinct parts of the soil profile
A Chabbi, I Kögel-Knabner, C Rumpel
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (2), 256-261, 2009
Drought effects on microbial biomass and enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of grasses depend on plant community composition
M Sanaullah, E Blagodatskaya, A Chabbi, C Rumpel, Y Kuzyakov
Applied Soil Ecology 48 (1), 38-44, 2011
Current status, uncertainty and future needs in soil organic carbon monitoring
R Jandl, M Rodeghiero, C Martinez, MF Cotrufo, F Bampa, ...
Science of the total environment 468, 376-383, 2014
Grassland productivity and ecosystem services
G Lemaire, J Hodgson, A Chabbi
Cabi, 2011
Black carbon contribution to soil organic matter composition in tropical sloping land under slash and burn agriculture
C Rumpel, M Alexis, A Chabbi, V Chaplot, DP Rasse, C Valentin, ...
Geoderma 130 (1-2), 35-46, 2006
How does drought stress influence the decomposition of plant litter with contrasting quality in a grassland ecosystem?
M Sanaullah, C Rumpel, X Charrier, A Chabbi
Plant and Soil 352, 277-288, 2012
Stability of soil microbial structure and activity depends on microbial diversity
V Tardy, O Mathieu, J Lévêque, S Terrat, A Chabbi, P Lemanceau, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 6 (2), 173-183, 2014
Decomposition and stabilization of root litter in top-and subsoil horizons: what is the difference?
M Sanaullah, A Chabbi, J Leifeld, G Bardoux, D Billou, C Rumpel
Plant and soil 338, 127-141, 2011
Carbon allocation in grassland communities under drought stress followed by 14C pulse labeling
M Sanaullah, A Chabbi, C Rumpel, Y Kuzyakov
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 55, 132-139, 2012
The impact of grassland management on biogeochemical cycles involving carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
C Rumpel, A Crème, PT Ngo, G Velásquez, ML Mora, A Chabbi
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 15 (2), 353-371, 2015
Evaluation of the ISO standard 11063 DNA extraction procedure for assessing soil microbial abundance and community structure
P Plassart, S Terrat, B Thomson, R Griffiths, S Dequiedt, M Lelievre, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e44279, 2012
Selecting cost effective and policy-relevant biological indicators for European monitoring of soil biodiversity and ecosystem function
BS Griffiths, J Römbke, RM Schmelz, A Scheffczyk, JH Faber, J Bloem, ...
Ecological Indicators 69, 213-223, 2016
Global change experiments: challenges and opportunities
HJ De Boeck, S Vicca, J Roy, I Nijs, A Milcu, J Kreyling, A Jentsch, ...
BioScience 65 (9), 922-931, 2015
Grassland–cropping rotations: an avenue for agricultural diversification to reconcile high production with environmental quality
G Lemaire, F Gastal, A Franzluebbers, A Chabbi
Environmental Management 56, 1065-1077, 2015
Carbon storage and sequestration in subsoil horizons: Knowledge, gaps and potentials
C Rumpel, A Chabbi, B Marschner
Recarbonization of the biosphere: ecosystems and the global carbon cycle …, 2012
Fate of oxygen losses from Typha domingensis (Typhaceae) and Cladium jamaicense (Cyperaceae) and consequences for root metabolism
A Chabbi, KL McKee, IA Mendelssohn
American Journal of Botany 87 (8), 1081-1090, 2000
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Articles 1–20