Dr. Bhabendu Kumar Mohanta,SMIEEE [Top 2% Scientists Worldwide2022,2023,2024 by Stanford University]
Dr. Bhabendu Kumar Mohanta,SMIEEE [Top 2% Scientists Worldwide2022,2023,2024 by Stanford University]
Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
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Cited by
An Overview of Smart Contract and Use Cases in Blockchain Technology
BK Mohanta, SS Panda, D Jena
2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking …, 2018
Survey on IoT security: Challenges and solution using machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology
BK Mohanta, D Jena, U Satapathy, S Patnaik
Internet of Things 11, 100227, 2020
Blockchain technology: A survey on applications and security privacy challenges
BK Mohanta, D Jena, SS Panda, S Sobhanayak
Internet of Things 8, 100107, 2019
Addressing security and privacy issues of IoT using blockchain technology
BK Mohanta, D Jena, S Ramasubbareddy, M Daneshmand, AH Gandomi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (2), 881-888, 2020
Authentication and key management in distributed iot using blockchain technology
SS Panda, D Jena, BK Mohanta, S Ramasubbareddy, M Daneshmand, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (16), 12947-12954, 2021
Study of blockchain based decentralized consensus algorithms
SS Panda, BK Mohanta, U Satapathy, D Jena, D Gountia, TK Patra
TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 908-913, 2019
An IoT-cloud based smart healthcare monitoring system using container based virtual environment in edge device
K Jaiswal, S Sobhanayak, AK Turuk, SL Bibhudatta, BK Mohanta, D Jena
2018 international conference on emerging trends and innovations in …, 2018
IoT-cloud based framework for patient's data collection in smart healthcare system using raspberry-pi
K Jaiswal, S Sobhanayak, BK Mohanta, D Jena
2017 International conference on electrical and computing technologies and …, 2017
Machine learning based accident prediction in secure iot enable transportation system
BK Mohanta, D Jena, N Mohapatra, S Ramasubbareddy, BS Rawal
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 42 (2), 713-725, 2022
A survey on consensus protocols and attacks on blockchain technology
A Guru, BK Mohanta, H Mohapatra, F Al-Turjman, C Altrjman, A Yadav
Applied Sciences 13 (4), 2604, 2023
Decauth: Decentralized authentication scheme for iot device using ethereum blockchain
BK Mohanta, A Sahoo, S Patel, SS Panda, D Jena, D Gountia
TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 558-563, 2019
A blockchain based decentralized authentication framework for resource constrained iot devices
SS Panda, U Satapathy, BK Mohanta, D Jena, D Gountia
2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and …, 2019
A blockchain based framework secured by ecdsa to curb drug counterfeiting
M Sahoo, SS Singhar, B Nayak, BK Mohanta
2019 10th international conference on computing, communication and …, 2019
An ECC based Lightweight Authentication Protocol For Mobile Phone in Smart Home
U Satapathy, BK Mohanta, D Jena, S Sobhanayak
2018 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial and Information …, 2019
A secure framework for communication in internet of things application using hyperledger based blockchain
U Satapathy, BK Mohanta, SS Panda, S Sobhanayak, D Jena
2019 10th international conference on computing, communication and …, 2019
A novel approach to solve security and privacy issues for iot applications using blockchain
BK Mohanta, U Satapathy, SS Panda, D Jena
2019 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 394-399, 2019
DAuth: A decentralized web authentication system using Ethereum based blockchain
S Patel, A Sahoo, BK Mohanta, SS Panda, D Jena
2019 international conference on vision towards emerging trends in …, 2019
MagTrack: detecting road surface condition using smartphone sensors and machine learning
MR Dey, U Satapathy, P Bhanse, BK Mohanta, D Jena
TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2485-2489, 2019
Trustworthy management in decentralized IoT application using blockchain
BK Mohanta, SS Panda, U Satapathy, D Jena, D Gountia
2019 10th international conference on computing, communication and …, 2019
Fully homomorphic encryption equating to cloud security: an approach
BK Mohanta, D Gountia
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 9 (2), 46-50, 2013
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Articles 1–20