Kristian Bernt Karlson
Kristian Bernt Karlson
Professor of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
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Comparing regression coefficients between same-sample nested models using logit and probit: A new method
KB Karlson, A Holm, R Breen
Sociological methodology 42 (1), 286-313, 2012
Comparing coefficients of nested nonlinear probability models
U Kohler, KB Karlson, A Holm
Stata Journal 11 (3), 420-438, 2011
Total, direct, and indirect effects in logit and probit models
R Breen, KB Karlson, A Holm
Sociological Methods & Research 42 (2), 164-191, 2013
Interpreting and understanding logits, probits, and other nonlinear probability models
R Breen, KB Karlson, A Holm
annual review of sociology 44 (1), 39-54, 2018
Decomposing primary and secondary effects: A new decomposition method
KB Karlson, A Holm
Research in Social Stratification and mobility 29 (2), 221-237, 2011
Expectations on Track? High School Tracking and Adolescent Educational Expectations
KB Karlson
Social Forces, 2015
Incomplete equalization: The effect of tracking in secondary education on educational inequality
A Holm, MM Jæger, KB Karlson, D Reimer
Social science research 42 (6), 1431-1442, 2013
Parental incarceration and child mortality in Denmark
C Wildeman, SH Andersen, H Lee, KB Karlson
American Journal of Public Health 104 (3), 428-433, 2014
Education and social mobility: New analytical approaches
R Breen, KB Karlson
European sociological review 30 (1), 107-118, 2014
A note on a reformulation of the KHB method
R Breen, K Bernt Karlson, A Holm
Sociological Methods & Research 50 (2), 901-912, 2021
Correlations and nonlinear probability models
R Breen, A Holm, KB Karlson
Sociological Methods & Research 43 (4), 571-605, 2014
Cultural Capital and Educational Inequality: A Counterfactual Analysis
MM Jæger, KB Karlson
Sociological Science 5, 775-795, 2018
College as equalizer? Testing the selectivity hypothesis
KB Karlson
Social Science Research 80, 216-229, 2019
No evidence of a major learning slide 14 months into the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark
JF Birkelund, KB Karlson
European Societies 25 (3), 468-488, 2023
Using mediation analysis to identify causal mechanisms in disease management interventions
A Linden, KB Karlson
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 13, 86-108, 2013
Multiple paths in educational transitions: A multinomial transition model with unobserved heterogeneity
KB Karlson
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 29 (3), 323-341, 2011
Counterfactual causal analysis and nonlinear probability models
R Breen, KB Karlson
Handbook of causal analysis for social research, 167-187, 2013
KHB: Stata module to decompose total effects into direct and indirect via KHB-method
U Kohler, K Karlson
Boston College Department of Economics, 2022
The making and unmaking of opportunity: educational mobility in 20th‐century Denmark
KB Karlson, R Landersø
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2024
Comparing linear probability model coefficients across groups
A Holm, M Ejrnæs, K Karlson
Quality & Quantity, 2014
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