Nan Li
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Cited by
Detwinning mechanisms for growth twins in face-centered cubic metals
J Wang, N Li, O Anderoglu, X Zhang, A Misra, JY Huang, JP Hirth
Acta Materialia 58 (6), 2262-2270, 2010
Outstanding radiation resistance of tungsten-based high-entropy alloys
O El-Atwani, N Li, M Li, A Devaraj, JKS Baldwin, MM Schneider, ...
Science advances 5 (3), eaav2002, 2019
Radiation damage in nanostructured materials
X Zhang, K Hattar, Y Chen, L Shao, J Li, C Sun, K Yu, N Li, ML Taheri, ...
Progress in Materials Science 96, 217-321, 2018
Twin–twin interactions in magnesium
Q Yu, J Wang, Y Jiang, RJ McCabe, N Li, CN Tomé
Acta Materialia 77, 28-42, 2014
Twinning dislocation multiplication at a coherent twin boundary
N Li, J Wang, A Misra, X Zhang, JY Huang, JP Hirth
Acta Materialia 59 (15), 5989-5996, 2011
He ion irradiation damage in Fe/W nanolayer films
N Li, EG Fu, H Wang, JJ Carter, L Shao, SA Maloy, A Misra, X Zhang
Journal of Nuclear Materials 389 (2), 233-238, 2009
Suppression of irradiation hardening in nanoscale V/Ag multilayers
QM Wei, N Li, N Mara, M Nastasi, A Misra
Acta Materialia 59 (16), 6331-6340, 2011
Mechanical properties of sputtered Cu/V and Al/Nb multilayer films
EG Fu, N Li, A Misra, RG Hoagland, H Wang, X Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 493 (1-2), 283-287, 2008
Defect structures and hardening mechanisms in high dose helium ion implanted Cu and Cu/Nb multilayer thin films
N Li, M Nastasi, A Misra
International Journal of Plasticity 32, 1-16, 2012
Nanostructured Cu/Nb multilayers subjected to helium ion-irradiation
X Zhang, N Li, O Anderoglu, H Wang, JG Swadener, T Höchbauer, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2007
Influence of slip transmission on the migration of incoherent twin boundaries in epitaxial nanotwinned Cu
N Li, J Wang, JY Huang, A Misra, X Zhang
Scripta Materialia 64 (2), 149-152, 2011
Growth, defect formation, and morphology control of germanium–silicon semiconductor nanowire heterostructures
SA Dayeh, J Wang, N Li, JY Huang, AV Gin, ST Picraux
Nano letters 11 (10), 4200-4206, 2011
Controlling heterojunction abruptness in VLS-grown semiconductor nanowires via in situ catalyst alloying
DE Perea, N Li, RM Dickerson, A Misra, ST Picraux
Nano letters 11 (8), 3117-3122, 2011
Direct observations of confined layer slip in Cu/Nb multilayers
N Li, J Wang, A Misra, JY Huang
Microscopy and microanalysis 18 (5), 1155-1162, 2012
He ion irradiation damage in Al∕ Nb multilayers
N Li, MS Martin, O Anderoglu, A Misra, L Shao, H Wang, X Zhang
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (12), 123522, 2009
In situ Nanoindentation Study of Plastic Co-deformation in Al-TiN Nanocomposites
N Li, H Wang, A Misra, J Wang
Scientific reports 4, 6633, 2014
Experimentally quantifying critical stresses associated with basal slip and twinning in magnesium using micropillars
Y Liu, N Li, MA Kumar, S Pathak, J Wang, RJ Mccabe, NA Mara, CN Tome
Acta Materialia 135, 411-421, 2017
Size effects in the mechanical properties of bulk bicontinuous Ta/Cu nanocomposites made by liquid metal dealloying
I McCue, S Ryan, K Hemker, X Xu, N Li, M Chen, J Erlebacher
Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (1), 46-50, 2016
Carbon Nanotube‐Enhanced Growth of Silicon Nanowires as an Anode for High‐Performance Lithium‐Ion Batteries
X Li, JH Cho, N Li, Y Zhang, D Williams, SA Dayeh, ST Picraux
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (1), 87-93, 2012
Compressive flow behavior of Cu thin films and Cu/Nb multilayers containing nanometer-scale helium bubbles
N Li, NA Mara, YQ Wang, M Nastasi, A Misra
Scripta Materialia 64 (10), 974-977, 2011
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Articles 1–20