Christopher Silver
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Cited by
Deconversion: Qualitative and quantitative results from cross-cultural research in Germany and the United States of America
H Streib, CF Silver, RM Csöff, B Keller, RW Hood
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011
The six types of nonbelief: A qualitative and quantitative study of type and narrative
CF Silver, TJ Coleman III, RW Hood Jr, JM Holcombe
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 17 (10), 990-1001, 2014
The semantics of ‘spirituality’and related self-identifications: a comparative study in Germany and the USA
B Keller, C Klein, A Swhajor-Biesemann, CF Silver, R Hood, H Streib
Archive for the Psychology of Religion 35 (1), 71-100, 2013
Focusing on horizontal transcendence: Much more than a “non-belief.”
TJ Coleman III, CF Silver, J Holcombe
Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 21 (2), 1-18, 2013
Concealment of nonreligious identity: Exploring social identity threat among atheists and other nonreligious individuals
CD Mackey, CF Silver, K Rios, CM Cowgill, RW Hood Jr
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 24 (5), 860-877, 2021
The distinction between authoritarianism and fundamentalism in three cultures: Factor analysis and personality correlates
S Krauss, C Silver, B Keller, H Streib
Archive for the Psychology of Religion 28 (1), 341-348, 2006
“Spirituality” and mysticism
C Klein, CF Silver, H Streib, RW Hood, TJ Coleman III
Semantics and Psychology of Spirituality: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, 165-187, 2016
“… if the Universe Is Beautiful, We’re Part of that Beauty.”—A “Neither Religious nor Spiritual” Biography as Horizontal Transcendence
TJ Coleman III, CF Silver, RW Hood
Semantics and Psychology of Spirituality: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, 355-372, 2016
Subjective definitions of spirituality and religion: an exploratory study in Germany and the US
S Altmeyer, C Klein, B Keller, CF Silver, RW Hood, H Streib
International journal of corpus linguistics 20 (4), 526-552, 2015
Atheism, agnosticism, and nonbelief: A qualitative and quantitative study of type and narrative
CF Silver
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2013
Religious problem solving and the complexity of religious rationality within an Iranian Muslim ideological surround
N Ghorbani, PJ Watson, Z Saeedi, Z Chen, CF Silver
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51 (4), 656-675, 2012
When accurate and inaccurate eyewitnesses look the same: a limitation of the ‘pop‐out’effect and the 10‐to 12‐second rule
DF Ross, TR Benton, S McDonnell, R Metzger, C Silver
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2007
Thomas J. Coleman III
JE Bartlett, JM Holcombe, A Atkinson, SB Swanson, CF Silver, ...
Journal for the cognitive science of religion 5, 2017, 2019
Deconversion Revisited: Biographical Studies and Psycho-metric Analyses Ten Years Later
H Streib, B Keller, R Bullik, A Steppacher, CF Silver, M Durham, ...
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021
Narrative reconstruction and content analysis in the interpretation of “spiritual” biographical trajectories for case studies
B Keller, TJ Coleman III, CF Silver
Semantics and psychology of spirituality: A cross-cultural analysis, 251-271, 2016
Is “spirituality” nothing but “religion”? An indirect measurement approach
C Klein, RW Hood, CF Silver, B Keller, H Streib
Semantics and psychology of spirituality: a cross-cultural analysis, 71-85, 2016
My hero, my friend: exploring Honduran youths’ lived experience of the God–individual relationship
MB Mitchell, CF Silver, CFJ Ross
International Journal of Children's Spirituality 17 (2), 137-151, 2012
Positive adult development and “spirituality”: Psychological well-being, generativity, and emotional stability
C Klein, B Keller, CF Silver, RW Hood, H Streib
Semantics and psychology of spirituality: A Cross-Cultural analysis, 401-436, 2016
Design, methods, and sample characteristics of the Bielefeld-based cross-cultural study of “spirituality”
B Keller, H Streib, CF Silver, C Klein, RW Hood
Semantics and psychology of spirituality: A cross-cultural analysis, 39-51, 2016
New Kadampa Buddhists and Jungian psychological type
C Silver, CFJ Ross, LJ Francis
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 15 (10), 1055-1064, 2012
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Articles 1–20