Jayakrupakar Nallala
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Cited by
Mid-infrared multispectral tissue imaging using a chalcogenide fiber supercontinuum source
CR Petersen, N Prtljaga, M Farries, J Ward, B Napier, GR Lloyd, J Nallala, ...
Optics letters 43 (5), 999-1002, 2018
The Ratio 1660/1690 cm−1 Measured by Infrared Microspectroscopy Is Not Specific of Enzymatic Collagen Cross-Links in Bone Tissue
D Farlay, ME Duclos, E Gineyts, C Bertholon, S Viguet-Carrin, J Nallala, ...
PloS one 6 (12), e28736, 2011
High-resolution FTIR imaging of colon tissues for elucidation of individual cellular and histopathological features
J Nallala, GR Lloyd, N Shepherd, N Stone
Analyst 141 (2), 630-639, 2016
Infrared spectral histopathology for cancer diagnosis: a novel approach for automated pattern recognition of colon adenocarcinoma
J Nallala, MD Diebold, C Gobinet, O Bouché, GD Sockalingum, O Piot, ...
Analyst 139 (16), 4005-4015, 2014
Infrared imaging as a cancer diagnostic tool: introducing a new concept of spectral barcodes for identifying molecular changes in colon tumors
J Nallala, O Piot, MD Diebold, C Gobinet, O Bouché, M Manfait, ...
Cytometry Part A 83 (3), 294-300, 2013
Infrared spectral imaging as a novel approach for histopathological recognition in colon cancer diagnosis
J Nallala, C Gobinet, MD Diebold, V Untereiner, O Bouché, M Manfait, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 17 (11), 116013-116013, 2012
Evaluation of different tissue de-paraffinization procedures for infrared spectral imaging
J Nallala, GR Lloyd, N Stone
Analyst 140 (7), 2369-2375, 2015
Detection of Aβ plaque-associated astrogliosis in Alzheimer's disease brain by spectroscopic imaging and immunohistochemistry
F Palombo, F Tamagnini, JCG Jeynes, S Mattana, I Swift, J Nallala, ...
Analyst 143 (4), 850-857, 2018
Infrared and Raman imaging for characterizing complex biological materials: a comparative morpho-spectroscopic study of colon tissue
J Nallala, O Piot, MD Diebold, C Gobinet, O Bouché, M Manfait, ...
Applied spectroscopy 68 (1), 57-68, 2014
Calcification microstructure reflects breast tissue microenvironment
S Gosling, R Scott, C Greenwood, P Bouzy, J Nallala, ID Lyburn, N Stone, ...
Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia 24, 333-342, 2019
Chemico‐mechanical imaging of Barrett's oesophagus
F Palombo, M Madami, D Fioretto, J Nallala, H Barr, A David, N Stone
Journal of biophotonics 9 (7), 694-700, 2016
Enhanced spectral histology in the colon using high-magnification benchtop FTIR imaging
J Nallala, GR Lloyd, M Hermes, N Shepherd, N Stone
Vibrational Spectroscopy 91, 83-91, 2017
Rapid infrared mapping for highly accurate automated histology in Barrett's oesophagus
OJ Old, GR Lloyd, J Nallala, M Isabelle, LM Almond, NA Shepherd, ...
Analyst 142 (8), 1227-1234, 2017
Multiple pathway-based genetic variations associated with tobacco related multiple primary neoplasms
A Kotnis, J Namkung, S Kannan, N Jayakrupakar, T Park, R Sarin, ...
PloS one 7 (1), e30013, 2012
Discrimination of skin cancer cells using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
F Peñaranda, V Naranjo, GR Lloyd, L Kastl, B Kemper, J Schnekenburger, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 100, 50-61, 2018
Multimodal registration of optical microscopic and infrared spectroscopic images from different tissue sections: An application to colon cancer
F Peñaranda, V Naranjo, R Verdú-Monedero, GR Lloyd, J Nallala, ...
Digital Signal Processing 68, 1-15, 2017
A highly stable, nanotube-enhanced, CMOS-MEMS thermal emitter for mid-IR gas sensing
D Popa, R Hopper, SZ Ali, MT Cole, Y Fan, VP Veigang-Radulescu, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 22915, 2021
Characterization of colorectal mucus using infrared spectroscopy: a potential target for bowel cancer screening and diagnosis
J Nallala, C Jeynes, S Saunders, N Smart, G Lloyd, L Riley, D Salmon, ...
Laboratory Investigation 100 (8), 1102-1110, 2020
CAG repeat length polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene and breast cancer risk: data on Indian women and survey from the world
S Rajender, A Francis, S Pooja, N Krupakar, D Surekha, G Reddy, ...
Breast cancer research and treatment 127, 751-760, 2011
Towards supercontinuum-driven hyperspectral microscopy in the mid-infrared
ID Lindsay, S Valle, J Ward, G Stevens, M Farries, L Huot, C Brooks, ...
Optical Biopsy XIV: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis …, 2016
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Articles 1–20