Douglas P. Cooper
Douglas P. Cooper
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, Johnson C. Smith University
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From women to objects: Appearance focus, target gender, and perceptions of warmth, morality and competence
NA Heflick, JL Goldenberg, DP Cooper, E Puvia
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (3), 572-581, 2011
Further validation of three short forms of the Marlowe-Crowne Scale of Social Desirability
M Fraboni, D Cooper
Psychological Reports 65 (2), 595-600, 1989
Bronze is beautiful but pale can be pretty: the effects of appearance standards and mortality salience on sun-tanning outcomes.
CR Cox, DP Cooper, M Vess, J Arndt, JL Goldenberg, C Routledge
Health Psychology 28 (6), 746, 2009
Motor coordination difficulties and physical fitness of extremely‐low‐birthweight children
YR Burns, M Danks, MJ O’CALLAGHAN, PH Gray, D Cooper, L Poulsen, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 51 (2), 136-142, 2009
Blowing in the (social) wind: Implications of extrinsic esteem contingencies for terror management and health.
J Arndt, CR Cox, JL Goldenberg, M Vess, C Routledge, DP Cooper, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 96 (6), 1191, 2009
Examining the terror management health model: The interactive effect of conscious death thought and health-coping variables on decisions in potentially fatal health domains
DP Cooper, JL Goldenberg, J Arndt
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (7), 937-946, 2010
The thrust of the problem: Bodily inhibitions and guilt as a function of mortality salience and neuroticism
JL Goldenberg, NA Heflick, DP Cooper
Journal of personality 76 (5), 1055-1080, 2008
Perceived efficacy, conscious fear of death and intentions to tan: Not all fear appeals are created equal
DP Cooper, JL Goldenberg, J Arndt
British Journal of Health Psychology 19 (1), 1-15, 2014
Is objectification always harmful? Reactions to objectifying images and feedback as a function of self-objectification and mortality salience
JL Goldenberg, DP Cooper, NA Heflick, C Routledge, J Arndt
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (2), 443-448, 2011
Toward a more valid and reliable health locus of control scale
D Cooper, M Fraboni
Journal of Clinical Psychology 44 (4), 536-540, 1988
Profile of dangerous and non-dangerous offenders referred for pre-trial psychiatric assessment
PM Valliant, ME Asu, D Cooper, D Mammola
Psychological Reports 54 (2), 411-418, 1984
Improving the efficacy of appearance-based sun exposure interventions with the terror management health model
KL Morris, DP Cooper, JL Goldenberg, J Arndt, FX Gibbons
Psychology & Health 29 (11), 1245-1264, 2014
Offense type and two‐point MMPI code profiles: Discriminating between violent and nonviolent offenders
M Fraboni, D Cooper, TL Reed, R Saltstone
Journal of Clinical Psychology 46 (6), 774-777, 1990
Empowering the self: Using the terror management health model to promote breast self-examination
DP Cooper, JL Goldenberg, J Arndt
Self and Identity 10 (3), 315-325, 2011
Drawing and perceiving: real-world drawing for students of architecture and design
D Cooper
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Psychometric study of forms A and B of the multidimensional health locus of control scale
D Cooper, M Fraboni
Psychological Reports 66 (3), 859-864, 1990
Screening for alcoholism in a psychiatric hospital
P Dobkin, M Dongier, D Cooper, JM Hill
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 36 (1), 39-45, 1991
Six clustering algorithms applied to the WAIS‐R: The problem of dissimilar cluster results
M Fraboni, D Cooper
Journal of clinical psychology 45 (6), 932-935, 1989
Creatureliness priming reduces aggression and support for war
M Motyl, J Hart, DP Cooper, N Heflick, J Goldenberg, T Pyszczynski
British journal of social psychology 52 (4), 648-666, 2013
Objectification as self-affirmation in the context of a death-relevant health threat
KL Morris, DP Cooper, JL Goldenberg, J Arndt, C Routledge
Self and Identity 12 (6), 610-620, 2013
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Articles 1–20