Debra Stokes
Debra Stokes
Southern Cross University; University of Waikato
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Expansion dynamics of monospecific, temperate mangroves and sedimentation in two embayments of a barrier-enclosed lagoon, Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
DJ Stokes, TR Healy, PJ Cooke
Journal of Coastal Research, 113-122, 2010
Changes in organic carbon accumulation driven by mangrove expansion and deforestation in a New Zealand estuary
A Pérez, W Machado, D Gutierrez, D Stokes, L Sanders, JM Smoak, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 192, 108-116, 2017
The dynamics of expanding mangroves in New Zealand
EM Horstman, CJ Lundquist, KR Bryan, RH Bulmer, JC Mullarney, ...
Threats to Mangrove Forests, 23-51, 2018
Carbon accumulation in Amazonian floodplain lakes: A significant component of Amazon budgets?
LM Sanders, KH Taffs, DJ Stokes, CJ Sanders, JM Smoak, A Enrich‐Prast, ...
Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2 (1), 29-35, 2017
Sediment properties and surface erodibility following a large-scale mangrove (Avicennia marina) removal
DJ Stokes, RJ Harris
Continental Shelf Research 107, 1-10, 2015
Surface elevation changes and sediment characteristics of intertidal surfaces undergoing mangrove expansion and mangrove removal, Waikaraka Estuary, Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
DJ Stokes, TR Healy, PJ Cooke
International Journal of Ecology & Development 12, 2009
Beach-user perceptions and attitudes towards drone surveillance as a shark-bite mitigation tool
D Stokes, K Apps, PA Butcher, B Weiler, H Luke, AP Colefax
Marine Policy 120, 104127, 2020
Addressing the mismatch between restoration objectives and monitoring needs to support mangrove management
DJ Stokes, RH Bulmer, CJ Lundquist
Ocean & Coastal Management 134, 69-78, 2016
The coastal protection and blue carbon benefits of hybrid mangrove living shorelines
RL Morris, B Fest, D Stokes, C Jenkins, SE Swearer
Journal of Environmental Management 331, 117310, 2023
Historic carbon burial spike in an Amazon floodplain lake linked to riparian 1 deforestation near Santarem, Brazil 2
LM Sanders, K Taffs, D Stokes, CJ Sanders, A Enrich
Biogeosciences 15 (2), 447-455, 2018
The physical and ecological impacts of mangrove expansion and mangrove removal: Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
D Stokes
University of Waikato, 2010
Environmental state of a small intertidal estuary a decade after mangrove clearance, Waikaraka Estuary, Aotearoa New Zealand
DJ Stokes, HE Glover, KR Bryan, CA Pilditch
Ocean & Coastal Management 243, 106731, 2023
Assessment of physical changes after mangrove removal: Whangamata Harbour 2008
DJ Stokes
Decadal‐scale impacts of changing mangrove extent on hydrodynamics and sediment transport in a quiescent, mesotidal estuary
HE Glover, DJ Stokes, AS Ogston, KR Bryan, CA Pilditch
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (5), 1287-1303, 2022
The benthic ecology of expanding mangrove habitat, Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
DJ Stokes, TR Healy, N Mason
Impacts of Mangrove Removal on Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport over Decadal Timescales in a Quiescent, Mesotidal, New Zealand Estuary: In-situ Observations and Numerical …
H Glover, D Stokes, A Ogston, KR Bryan, CA Pilditch
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, EP052-0018, 2020
240+ 239Pu depositional signatures as a viable geochronological tool in the Amazon Basin
LM Sanders, KH Taffs, D Stokes, A Enrich-Prast, CJ Sanders
Geochronometria 44 (1), 142-149, 2017
Mangrove expansion and their human removal in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
D Stokes, T Healy
Coasts and Ports 2005: Coastal Living-Living Coast; Australasian Conference …, 2005
Observations and modeling of the impacts of mangrove extent on hydrodynamics and sediment transport in Waikaraka Estuary, New Zealand
H Glover, AS Ogston, D Stokes, K Bryan, C Pilditch
Building a Global Scientific Community through Meaningful Exchange and Communication
H Glover, AS Ogston, C Nittrouer, IM Miller, D Stokes
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
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Articles 1–20