Experimental study on the burning behavior of pool fires in rooms with different wall linings A Poulsen, G Jomaas Fire Technology 48, 419-439, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |
Evaluation of the onset of flashover in room fire experiments A Poulsen, A Bwalya, G Jomaas Fire technology 49, 891-905, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
IRC-RR-309 A Poulsen, AC Bwalya | 5* | 2011 |
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Thermal Radiation Feedback on the Room Burning Behaviour of Horizontal Blocks of Polyurethane Foam A Poulsen, AC Bwalya NRC Institute for Research in Construction; National Research Council Canada, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Fire Models and Design Fires - An Experimental Investigation on the Influence of Thermal Feedback on Pre-Flashover Fires A Poulsen Technical University of Denmark, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
Probabilistic Fire Risk Analysis in the Nordic Region G Baker, J Utstrand, D Winberg, AB Sweco, A Jönsson, ... 11th Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods …, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Experimental Study on the Influence of Thermal Feedback on the Burning Behavior of Flexible Polyurethane A Poulsen, A Bwalya, G Jomaas Interflam 2013: 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Fire Science …, 2013 | | 2013 |
Experimental study on the role of thermal feedback from different wall linings in a room fire A Poulsen, G Jomaas 10th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, 2011 | | 2011 |
Baggrundsundersøgelser ifm. udarbejdelse af Nationale Annekser til EN1990 og EN1991: Sikkerhedsformat, lastkombinationer, partialkoefficienter, udmattelse, snelast, vindlast, mm JD Sørensen, J Munch-Andersen, SO Hansen, FO Sørensen, ... Dansk Standard, 2009 | | 2009 |
Ignition and flame spread properties of wood, elaborated during a new test method based on convective heat flux LS Sørensen, A Poulsen Ignition and flame spread properties of wood, elaborated during a new test …, 2007 | | 2007 |