Aaron Shultz
Aaron Shultz
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
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Cited by
Effects of different capture techniques on the physiological condition of bonefish Albula vulpes evaluated using field diagnostic tools
SJ Cooke, CD Suski, SE Danylchuk, AJ Danylchuk, MR Donaldson, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 73 (6), 1351-1375, 2008
Aggregations and offshore movements as indicators of spawning activity of bonefish (Albula vulpes) in The Bahamas
AJ Danylchuk, SJ Cooke, TL Goldberg, CD Suski, KJ Murchie, ...
Marine Biology 158, 1981-1999, 2011
Contemporary and emerging fisheries in The Bahamas—Conservation and management challenges, achievements and future directions
KD Sherman, AD Shultz, CP Dahlgren, C Thomas, E Brooks, A Brooks, ...
Fisheries Management and Ecology 25 (5), 319-331, 2018
Impacts of dissolved oxygen on the behavior and physiology of bonefish: implications for live-release angling tournaments
AD Shultz, KJ Murchie, C Griffith, SJ Cooke, AJ Danylchuk, TL Goldberg, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 402 (1-2), 19-26, 2011
The influence of hook size, type, and location on hook retention and survival of angled bonefish (Albula vulpes)
JA Stein, AD Shultz, SJ Cooke, AJ Danylchuk, K Hayward, CD Suski
Fisheries Research 113 (1), 147-152, 2012
Thermal tolerance of nearshore fishes across seasons: implications for coastal fish communities in a changing climate
AD Shultz, ZC Zuckerman, CD Suski
Marine biology 163, 1-10, 2016
Swimming energetics and thermal ecology of adult bonefish (Albula vulpes): a combined laboratory and field study in Eleuthera, The Bahamas
LB Nowell, JW Brownscombe, LFG Gutowsky, KJ Murchie, CD Suski, ...
Environmental biology of fishes 98, 2133-2146, 2015
Physiological and behavioural consequences of cold shock on bonefish (Albula vulpes) in The Bahamas
P Szekeres, JW Brownscombe, F Cull, AJ Danylchuk, AD Shultz, ...
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 459, 1-7, 2014
Strategies for the capture and transport of bonefish, Albula vulpes, from tidal creeks to a marine research laboratory for long‐term holding
KJ Murchie, SE Danylchuk, CE Pullen, E Brooks, AD Shultz, CD Suski, ...
Aquaculture Research 40 (13), 1538-1550, 2009
Resist‐accept‐direct (RAD) considerations for climate change adaptation in fisheries: The Wisconsin experience
ZS Feiner, AD Shultz, GG Sass, A Trudeau, MG Mitro, CJ Dassow, ...
Fisheries Management and Ecology 29 (4), 346-363, 2022
Chemical excretions of angled bonefish Albula vulpes and their potential use as predation cues by juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris
LJ Dallas, AD Shultz, AJ Moody, KA Sloman, AJ Danylchuk
Journal of Fish Biology 77 (4), 947-962, 2010
Defining adult bonefish (Albula vulpes) movement corridors around Grand Bahama in the Bahamian Archipelago
KJ Murchie, AD Shultz, JA Stein, SJ Cooke, J Lewis, J Franklin, G Vincent, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 98, 2203-2212, 2015
Does coastal light pollution alter the nocturnal behavior and blood physiology of juvenile bonefish (Albula vulpes)?
P Szekeres, ADM Wilson, CR Haak, AJ Danylchuk, JW Brownscombe, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 93 (2), 491-505, 2017
Consequences of experimental cortisol manipulations on the thermal biology of the checkered puffer (Sphoeroides testudineus) in laboratory and field environments
F Cull, CD Suski, A Shultz, AJ Danylchuk, CM O’Connor, KJ Murchie, ...
Journal of Thermal Biology 47, 63-74, 2015
Case study: Applying the resist–accept–direct framework to an Ojibwe Tribe's relationship with the natural world
A Shultz, M Luehring, A Ray, JD Rose, R Croll, J Gilbert, M Price, ...
Fisheries Management and Ecology 29 (4), 392-408, 2022
Considerations for tagging and tracking fish in tropical coastal habitats: lessons from bonefish, barracuda, and sharks tagged with acoustic transmitters
KJ Murchie, AJ Danylchuk, SJ Cooke, AC O’Toole, A Shultz, C Haak, ...
Amer Fish Soc Special Pub—Handbook of Fish Telemetry, Bethesda, 2012
Potential consequences of angling on nest-site fidelity in largemouth bass
WM Twardek, AD Shultz, JE Claussen, SJ Cooke, JA Stein, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 100, 611-616, 2017
Puffed and bothered: personality, performance, and the effects of stress on checkered pufferfish
N Pleizier, ADM Wilson, AD Shultz, SJ Cooke
Physiology & Behavior 152, 68-78, 2015
Impacts of sun protection on feeding behavior and mucus removal of bonefish, Albula vulpes
KD Hannan, ZC Zuckerman, CR Haak, AD Shultz
Environmental Biology of Fishes 98, 2297-2304, 2015
Seasonal blood chemistry response of sub-tropical nearshore fishes to climate change
AD Shultz, ZC Zuckerman, HA Stewart, CD Suski
Conservation Physiology 2 (1), cou028, 2014
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Articles 1–20