Zizhuo Wang
Zizhuo Wang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen / Cardinal Operations
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A Dynamic Near-Optimal Algorithm for Online Linear Programming
S Agrawal, Z Wang, Y Ye
Operations Research 62 (4), 876-890, 2014
Probabilistic Forecasting with Temporal Convolutional Neural Network
Y Chen, Y Kang, Y Chen, Z Wang
Neurocomputing 399, 491-501, 2020
Further Relaxations of the Semidefinite Programming Approach to Sensor Network Localization
Z Wang, S Zheng, Y Ye, S Boyd
SIAM Journal on Optimization 19 (2), 655-673, 2008
Likelihood Robust Optimization for Data-Driven Problems
Z Wang, P Glynn, Y Ye
Computational Management Science 13 (2), 241-261, 2016
Close the Gaps: A Learning-while-Doing Algorithm for Single-Product Revenue Management Problems
Z Wang, S Deng, Y Ye
Operations Research 62 (2), 318-331, 2014
Non-Line-of-Sight Node Localization Based on Semi-Definite Programming in Wireless Sensor Networks
H Chen, G Wang, Z Wang, HC So, HV Poor
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 11 (1), 108-116, 2012
We are on the Way: Analysis of On-Demand Ride-Hailing Systems
G Feng, G Kong, Z Wang
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 23 (5), 1237-1256, 2019
Complexity of Unconstrained L_2-L_p Minimization
X Chen, D Ge, Z Wang, Y Ye
Mathematical Programming 143 (1-2), 371-383, 2014
Consumer Choice Models with Endogenous Network Effects
R Wang, Z Wang
Management Science 63 (11), 3944-3960, 2016
Optimal Pricing for a Multinomial Logit Choice Model with Network Effects
C Du, WL Cooper, Z Wang
Operations Research 64 (2), 441-455, 2016
Home Care Routing and Appointment Scheduling with Stochastic Service Durations
Y Zhan, G Wan, Z Wang
European Journal of Operational Research 288 (1), 98-110, 2021
Intertemporal Price Discrimination via Reference Price Effects
Z Wang
Operations Research 64 (2), 290-296, 2016
Information Disclosure and Pricing Policies for Sales of Network Goods
M Hu, Z Wang, Y Feng
Operations Research 68 (4), 1162-1177, 2019
On the Relation between Several Discrete Choice Models
G Feng, X Li, Z Wang
Operations Research 65 (6), 1516-1525, 2016
A Note on Appointment Scheduling with Piecewise Linear Cost Functions
D Ge, G Wan, Z Wang, J Zhang
Mathematics of Operations Research 39 (4), 1244-1251, 2014
Committed Versus Contingent Pricing under Competition
Z Wang, M Hu
Production and Operations Management 23 (11), 1919-1936, 2014
A Unified Framework for Dynamic Pari-Mutuel Information Market Design
S Agrawal, E Delage, M Peters, Z Wang, Y Ye
EC 09': Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 255-264, 2009
Constrained Likelihood for Reconstructing a Directed Acyclic Gaussian Graph
Y Yuan, X Shen, W Pan, Z Wang
Biometrika 106 (1), 109-125, 2019
Pricing Personalized Bundles: A New Approach and An Empirical Study
Z Xue, Z Wang, M Ettl
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18 (1), 51-68, 2016
Strong NP-Hardness Result for Regularized Lq-Minimization Problems with Concave Penalty Functions
Y Chen, D Ge, M Wang, Z Wang, Y Ye, H Yin
ICML 17’: Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine …, 2017
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