Michael Louison
Michael Louison
Associate Professor, McKendree University
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Hormonal responsiveness to stress is negatively associated with vulnerability to angling capture in fish
MJ Louison, S Adhikari, JA Stein, CD Suski
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (14), 2529-2535, 2017
Physiological effects of ice‐angling capture and handling on northern pike, Esox lucius
MJ Louison, CT Hasler, MM Fenske, CD Suski, JA Stein
Fisheries Management and Ecology 24 (1), 10-18, 2017
Chill out: physiological responses to winter ice-angling in two temperate freshwater fishes
MJ Louison, CT Hasler, GD Raby, CD Suski, JA Stein
Conservation Physiology 5 (1), cox027, 2017
Largemouth bass use prior experience, but not information from experienced conspecifics, to avoid capture by anglers
MJ Louison, CD Suski, JA Stein
Fisheries Management and Ecology 26 (6), 600-610, 2019
Sociable bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, are selectively captured via recreational angling
MJ Louison, JD Jeffrey, CD Suski, JA Stein
Animal Behaviour 142, 129-137, 2018
Catch‐and‐release ice fishing: status, issues, and research needs
MJ Lawrence, KM Jeffries, SJ Cooke, EC Enders, CT Hasler, CM Somers, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 151 (3), 322-332, 2022
Metabolic phenotype is not associated with vulnerability to angling in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)
MJ Louison, JA Stein, CD Suski
Canadian journal of zoology 96 (11), 1264-1271, 2018
Impact of ice‐angling and handling on swimming performance in bluegill and largemouth bass
JF Bieber, MJ Louison, JA Stein, CD Suski
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39 (6), 1301-1310, 2019
Quick learning, quick capture: largemouth bass that rapidly learn an association task are more likely to be captured by recreational anglers
MJ Louison, VM Hage, JA Stein, CD Suski
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 1-13, 2019
Big, hungry fish get the lure: size and food availability determine capture over boldness and exploratory behaviors
TD Keiling, MJ Louison, CD Suski
Fisheries Research 227, 105554, 2020
Use of first‐order tributaries by brown trout (Salmo trutta) as nursery habitat in a cold water stream network
MJ Louison, RS Stelzer
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25 (1), 133-140, 2016
Effectiveness of barotrauma mitigation methods in ice‐angled bluegill and black crappie
MJ Louison, L LaRochelle, SJ Cooke
Fisheries Management and Ecology 30 (3), 229-239, 2023
Capture is predicted by behavior and size, not metabolism, in muskellunge
JF Bieber, MJ Louison, CD Suski
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43 (1), 231-243, 2023
Post-release locomotor activity of ice-angled Northern Pike
JF Bieber, L LaRochelle, SJ Cooke, CD Suski, MJ Louison
Fisheries Research 256, 106481, 2022
An examination of freezing in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) following ice fishing using a histological approach
JT Card, MJ Louison, JF Bieber, CD Suski, CT Hasler
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 38 (3), 285-292, 2022
Depth‐based barotrauma severity, reflex impairment and stress response in two species of ice‐angled fish
AL Althoff, CD Suski, MJ Louison
Fisheries Management and Ecology 28 (4), 383-392, 2021
Impact of retrieval time and hook type on hooking depth in ice-angled northern pike caught on tip-ups
AL Althoff, CT Hasler, MJ Louison
Fisheries Research 225, 105502, 2020
Metabolic response of bluegill to exercise at low water temperature: implications for angling conservation
HN Winter, MJ Louison, JA Stein, CD Suski
Environmental Biology of Fishes 101, 1657-1667, 2018
The role of social network behavior, swimming performance, and fish size in the determination of angling vulnerability in bluegill
MJ Louison, JA Stein, CD Suski
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 1-16, 2019
Behavioral phenotype does not predict habitat occupancy or angling capture of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
TD Keiling, MJ Louison, CD Suski
Canadian Journal of Zoology 98 (6), 399-409, 2020
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Articles 1–20