Andrew Chalmers
Cited by
Cited by
Mr360: Mixed reality rendering for 360 panoramic videos
T Rhee, L Petikam, B Allen, A Chalmers
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (4), 1379-1388, 2017
Augmented virtual teleportation for high-fidelity telecollaboration
T Rhee, S Thompson, D Medeiros, R Dos Anjos, A Chalmers
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (5), 1923-1933, 2020
Review of wearable and portable sensors for monitoring personal solar UV exposure
X Huang, AN Chalmers
Annals of biomedical engineering 49 (3), 964-978, 2021
Color image segmentation using fuzzy clustering and supervised learning
J Wu, H Yan, AN Chalmers
Journal of electronic imaging 3 (4), 397-403, 1994
Optimization of laser-based white light illuminants
S Soltic, A Chalmers
Optics express 21 (7), 8964-8971, 2013
Light source optimization: spectral design and simulation of four-band white-light sources
A Chalmers, S Soltic
Optical Engineering 51 (4), 044003-044003, 2012
Differential evolution for the optimisation of multi-band white LED light sources
S Soltic, AN Chalmers
Lighting Research & Technology 44 (2), 224-237, 2012
Optimization of LED lighting for clinical settings
S Soltic, A Chalmers
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2019 (1), 5016013, 2019
Reconstructing reflection maps using a stacked-CNN for mixed reality rendering
A Chalmers, J Zhao, D Medeiros, T Rhee
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (10), 4073-4084, 2020
Review of human hair optical properties in possible relation to melanoma development
X Huang, MD Protheroe, AM Al-Jumaily, SP Paul, AN Chalmers
Journal of biomedical optics 23 (5), 050901-050901, 2018
Adaptive light estimation using dynamic filtering for diverse lighting conditions
J Zhao, A Chalmers, T Rhee
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 27 (11), 4097-4106, 2021
Towards the optimum light source spectrum
A Chalmers, S Soltic
Advances in optoelectronics 2010 (1), 596825, 2010
An image-based food classification system
S Somatilake, AN Chalmers
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 260-265, 2007
Casual 6-dof: free-viewpoint panorama using a handheld 360 camera
R Chen, FL Zhang, S Finnie, A Chalmers, T Rhee
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (9), 3976-3988, 2022
Spectator view: Enabling asymmetric interaction between hmd wearers and spectators with a large display
F Welsford-Ackroyd, A Chalmers, R Kuffner dos Anjos, D Medeiros, H Kim, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (ISS), 1-17, 2021
Application of the CIECAM02 colour appearance model to predict the effect of gamma on the colours viewed on CRT monitors
S Soltic, AN Chalmers, R Jammalamadaka
Signal Processing: Image Communication 19 (10), 1029-1045, 2004
Simulation of UV power absorbed by follicular stem cells during sun exposure and possible implications for melanoma development
X Huang, MD Protheroe, AM Al-Jumaily, AN Chalmers, SP Paul, X Fu
JOSA A 36 (4), 628-635, 2019
Asymmetric interaction between hmd wearers and spectators with a large display
F Welsford-Ackroyd, A Chalmers, RK dos Anjos, D Medeiros, H Kim, ...
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and …, 2020
Real-time mixed reality rendering for underwater 360 videos
S Thompson, A Chalmers, T Rhee
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 74-82, 2019
Modeling the effects of gamma on the colors displayed on cathode ray tube monitors
S Soltic, AN Chalmers
Journal of Electronic Imaging 13 (4), 688-700, 2004
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Articles 1–20