Jinghua Xie
Jinghua Xie
Professor in Tourism Economics, University of Stavanger, Norwegian School of Hotel Management,
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Efficacy of co-creation and mastering on perceived value and satisfaction in tourists' consumption
NK Prebensen, J Xie
Tourism Management 60, 166-176, 2017
Demand elasticities for farmed salmon in world trade
J Xie, HW Kinnucan, Ø Myrland
European Review of Agricultural Economics 36 (3), 425-445, 2009
Human value co-creation behavior in tourism: Insight from an Australian whale watching experience
J Xie, A Tkaczynski, NK Prebensen
Tourism Management Perspectives 35, 100709, 2020
Consistent aggregation in fish demand: a study of French salmon demand
J Xie, Ø Myrland
Marine Resource Economics 26 (4), 267-280, 2011
The effects of exchange rates on export prices of farmed salmon
J Xie, HW Kinnucan, Ø Myrland
Marine Resource Economics 23 (4), 439-457, 2008
Restructuring the Chinese seafood industry, global challenges and policy implications
KB Lindkvist, T Trondsen, J Xie
Marine Policy 32 (3), 432-441, 2008
Economic drivers for the Chinese tourists
J Xie, S Tveterås
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 20 (2), 110-125, 2020
The economic determinants of tourism seasonality: A case study of the Norwegian tourism industry
J Xie
Cogent business & management 7 (1), 1732111, 2020
Asymmetric price transmission in a changing food supply chain
D Gizaw, Ø Myrland, J Xie
Aquaculture Economics & Management 25 (1), 89-105, 2021
Determinants of capital structure in the hospitality industry: Impact of clustering and seasonality on debt and liquidity
M Sikveland, J Xie, D Zhang
International Journal of Hospitality Management 102, 103172, 2022
Economic decline and the birth of a tourist nation
J Xie, S Tveterås
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2020
Influence of tourism seasonality and financial ratios on hotels’ exit risk
D Zhang, J Xie
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 47 (4), 714-733, 2023
Tourism seasonality and hotel firms’ financial performance: Evidence from Norway
D Zhang, J Xie, M Sikveland
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (21), 3021-3039, 2021
Imperfect competition and structural changes in the US salmon import market
J Xie, D Zhang
Marine Resource Economics 29 (4), 375-389, 2014
Effect of labelled information and sensory attributes on consumers’ intention to purchase milk
MZ Hoque, J Xie, S Nazneen
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 7 (3), 265-286, 2018
20 years of Nordic tourism economics research: A review and future research agenda
M Falk, SL Tveteraas, J Xie
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 21 (1), 78-90, 2021
Strategic investments in catch capacity and quotas: how costly is a mismatch for a firm?
T Bertheussen, B. A., Xie, J. & Vassdal
Marine Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103821, 2020
Exploring relative resilience of Airbnb and hotel industry to risks and external shocks
M Medeiros, J Xie, D Severt
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 22 (3), 274-283, 2022
Modeling market structure of the Spanish salted fish market
J Xie, Ø Myrland
Food Chains: Quality, Safety and Efficiency in a Challenging World, 166-174, 2014
Uncovering the effect of environmental performance on hotels’ financial performance: A global outlook
D Zhang, J Xie
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (20), 2849-2854, 2021
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