Brian Crawford
Brian Crawford
Compass Resource Management
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A meta-analysis of social marketing campaigns to improve global conservation outcomes
KM Green, BA Crawford, KA Williamson, AA DeWan
Social Marketing Quarterly 25 (1), 69-87, 2019
Estimating the consequences of multiple threats and management strategies for semi‐aquatic turtles
BA Crawford, JC Maerz, NP Nibbelink, KA Buhlmann, TM Norton
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (2), 359-366, 2014
Hot spots and hot moments of diamondback terrapin road‐crossing activity
BA Crawford, JC Maerz, NP Nibbelink, KA Buhlmann, TM Norton, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (2), 367-375, 2014
Drivers' attitudes toward wildlife‐vehicle collisions with reptiles and other taxa
BA Crawford, KM Andrews
Animal Conservation 19 (5), 444-450, 2016
Expert-informed habitat suitability analysis for at-risk species assessment and conservation planning
BA Crawford, JC Maerz, CT Moore
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11 (1), 130-150, 2020
Testing the threat‐sensitive hypothesis with predator familiarity and dietary specificity
BA Crawford, CR Hickman, TM Luhring
Ethology 118 (1), 41-48, 2012
Acknowledging trade-offs and understanding complexity: Exurbanization issues in Macon County, North Carolina
RA Vercoe, M Welch-Devine, D Hardy, JA Demoss, SN Bonney, K Allen, ...
Ecology and Society 19 (1), 2014
Integrated analysis for population estimation, management impact evaluation, and decision-making for a declining species
BA Crawford, CT Moore, TM Norton, JC Maerz
Biological Conservation 222, 33-43, 2018
Estimating population persistence for at-risk species using citizen science data
BA Crawford, MJ Olds, JC Maerz, CT Moore
Biological Conservation 243, 108489, 2020
Engaging stakeholders in natural resource decision-making
BA Crawford, RA Katz, SK McKay
Engineer Research and Development Center (US), 2017
Effects of vegetation structure and artificial nesting habitats on hatchling sex determination and nest survival of diamondback terrapins
AM Grosse, BA Crawford, JC Maerz, KA Buhlmann, T Norton, M Kaylor, ...
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6 (1), 19-28, 2015
Summer microhabitat use of the Greater Siren (Siren lacertina) and Two-toed Amphiuma (Amphiuma means) in an isolated wetland
C Schalk, T Luhring, B Crawford
Amphibia-Reptilia 31 (2), 251-256, 2010
Mitigating Road Mortality of Diamond-Backed Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) with Hybrid Barriers at Crossing Hot Spots
BA Crawford, CT Moore, TM Norton, JC Maerz
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12, 202-211, 2017
When drivers and terrapins collide: assessing stakeholder attitudes toward wildlife management on the Jekyll Island Causeway
BA Crawford, NC Poudyal, JC Maerz
Human dimensions of wildlife 20 (1), 1-14, 2015
Population viability analysis for a pond-breeding amphibian under future drought scenarios in the southeastern United States
BA Crawford, JC Maerz, VCK Terrell, CT Moore
Global Ecology and Conservation 36, e02119, 2022
Regulation of plants developed through new breeding techniques must ensure societal benefits
D Jenkins, N Juba, B Crawford, M Worthington, A Hummel
Nature Plants 9 (5), 679-684, 2023
Comparing student and professional responses toward advocacy in science
BA Crawford, DW Kramer, JW Hinton
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 21 (4), 361-370, 2016
Ground cover and native ant predation influence survival of metamorphic amphibians in a southeastern pine savanna undergoing restoration
AK Burrow, BA Crawford, JC Maerz
Restoration Ecology 29 (7), e13410, 2021
Breeding population dynamics of threatened crawfish frogs inform targets for habitat management
VCK Terrell, JC Maerz, NJ Engbrecht, RM Stiles, BA Crawford, ...
Ichthyology & Herpetology 111 (1), 72-86, 2023
Breeding dynamics of gopher frog metapopulations over 10 years
BA Crawford, AL Farmer, KM Enge, AH Greene, L Diaz, JC Maerz, ...
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13 (2), 422-436, 2022
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