Ranjith Nair
Ranjith Nair
Principal Research Fellow, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological
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Quantum theory of superresolution for two incoherent optical point sources
M Tsang, R Nair, XM Lu
Physical Review X 6 (3), 031033, 2016
Far-field superresolution of thermal electromagnetic sources at the quantum limit
R Nair, M Tsang
Physical review letters 117 (19), 190801, 2016
Quantum limit for two-dimensional resolution of two incoherent optical point sources
SZ Ang, R Nair, M Tsang
Physical Review A 95 (6), 063847, 2017
Interferometric superlocalization of two incoherent optical point sources
R Nair, M Tsang
Optics express 24 (4), 3684-3701, 2016
Discriminating quantum-optical beam-splitter channels with number-diagonal signal states: Applications to quantum reading and target detection
R Nair
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (3), 032312, 2011
Quantum-noise randomized ciphers
R Nair, HP Yuen, E Corndorf, T Eguchi, P Kumar
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (5), 052309, 2006
Fundamental limits of quantum illumination
R Nair, M Gu
Optica 7 (7), 771, 2020
Quantum-limited loss sensing: Multiparameter estimation and Bures distance between loss channels
R Nair
Physical Review Letters 121 (23), 230801, 2018
Quantum-optimal detection of one-versus-two incoherent optical sources with arbitrary separation
L Xiao-Ming, H Krovi, R Nair, S Guha, JH Shapiro
npj Quantum Information 4, 1-8, 2018
Fisher information for far-field linear optical superresolution via homodyne or heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator mode
F Yang, R Nair, M Tsang, C Simon, AI Lvovsky
Physical Review A 96 (6), 063829, 2017
Resurgence of Rayleigh’s curse in the presence of partial coherence: comment
M Tsang, R Nair
Optica 6 (4), 400-401, 2019
Optimal quantum states for image sensing in loss
R Nair, BJ Yen
Physical Review Letters 107 (19), 193602, 2011
Realizable receivers for discriminating coherent and multicopy quantum states near the quantum limit
R Nair, S Guha, SH Tan
Physical Review A 89 (3), 032318, 2014
Fundamental quantum limits to waveform detection
M Tsang, R Nair
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 042115, 2012
Symmetric -ary phase discrimination using quantum-optical probe states
R Nair, BJ Yen, S Guha, JH Shapiro, S Pirandola
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (2), 022306, 2012
On the security of αη: Response to 'Some attacks on quantum-based cryptographic protocols'
HP Yuen, R Nair, E Corndorf, G Kanter, P Kumar
Quantum Information & Computation 6 (7), 561, 2006
Nonclassical distance in multimode bosonic systems
R Nair
Physical Review A 95 (6), 063835, 2017
On the security of Y-00 under fast correlation and other attacks on the key
HP Yuen, R Nair
Physics Letters A 364 (2), 112-116, 2007
Comment on:‘How much security does Y-00 protocol provide us?’[Phys. Lett. A 327 (2004) 28]
HP Yuen, P Kumar, E Corndorf, R Nair
Physics Letters A 346 (1-3), 1-6, 2005
Classicalization of nonclassical quantum states in loss and noise: Some no-go theorems
HP Yuen, R Nair
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 023816, 2009
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Articles 1–20