Luca Polonio
Luca Polonio
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Milano Bicocca
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Cited by
What your Facebook profile picture reveals about your personality
C Segalin, F Celli, L Polonio, M Kosinski, D Stillwell, N Sebe, M Cristani, ...
Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 460-468, 2017
strategic sophistication and attention in games: an eye-tracking study
L Polonio, S Di Guida, G Coricelli
Games and Economic Behavior, 2015
An eye-tracking study of feature-based choice in one-shot games
G Devetag, S Di Guida, L Polonio
Experimental Economics 19, 177-201, 2016
Individual differences in competent consumer choice: the role of cognitive reflection and numeracy skills
M Graffeo, L Polonio, N Bonini
Frontiers in psychology 6, 844, 2015
Testing the level of consistency between choices and beliefs in games using eye-tracking
L Polonio, G Coricelli
Games and Economic Behavior 113, 566-586, 2019
Relationships between personality and interactions in facebook
F Celli, L Polonio
Social networking: Recent trends, emerging issues and future outlook, 41-53, 2013
The role of intelligence in social learning
A Vostroknutov, L Polonio, G Coricelli
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6896, 2018
Does exposure to alternative decision rules change gaze patterns and behavioral strategies in games?
J Zonca, G Coricelli, L Polonio
Journal of the Economic Science Association, pp 1–12, 2019
Predicting Choice Behaviour in Economic Games using Gaze Data Encoded as Scanpath Images
SA Byrne, APF Reynolds, C Biliotti, F Bargagli-Stoffi, L Polonio, ...
Scientific Reports, 13, 2023
Gaze patterns disclose the link between cognitive reflection and sophistication in strategic interaction
J Zonca, G Coricelli, L Polonio
Judgment and Decision Making 15 (2), 230-245, 2020
Gaze data reveal individual differences in relational representation processes.
J Zonca, G Coricelli, L Polonio
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 46 (2), 257, 2020
Plasticity of strategic sophistication in interactive decision-making
D Marchiori, S Di Guida, L Polonio
Journal of Economic Theory 196, 105291, 2021
The process of choice in games
G Coricelli, L Polonio, A Vostroknutov
Handbook of Experimental Game Theory, 2020
The effect of evidential impact on perceptual probabilistic judgments
M Mangiarulo, S Pighin, L Polonio, K Tentori
Cognitive Science 45 (1), 1, 2021
Exploring the Effects of Scanpath Feature Engineering for Supervised Image Classification Models
EK Sean Anthony Byrne, Virmarie Maquiling, Adam Peter Frederick Reynolds ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (Article No.161 …, 2023
Facebook and the Real World: Correlations between online and offline conversations
F Celli, L Polonio
Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2015
Timing of social feedback shapes observational learning in strategic interaction
J Zonca, A Vostroknutov, G Coricelli, L Polonio
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 21972, 2021
Analisi di movimenti oculari nella risoluzione di problemi commerciali: Il ruolo delle abilitā numeriche e dell’impulsivitā cognitiva
A Dorigoni, L Polonio, M Graffeo, N Bonini
FrancoAngeli, 2022
Bottom-up and Top-down processes in Third-Party punishment and compensation-follow up with behavioural baseline
C Civai, L Polonio, V Capraro
OSF, 2024
Who's the deceiver? Identifying deceptive intentions in communication
JF Blazquiz-Pulido, L Polonio, E Bilancini
Games and Economic Behavior, 2024
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Articles 1–20