Olivier Fercoq
Olivier Fercoq
Telecom Paris
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Cited by
Accelerated, parallel, and proximal coordinate descent
O Fercoq, P Richtárik
SIAM Journal on Optimization 25 (4), 1997-2023, 2015
Scalable semidefinite programming
A Yurtsever, JA Tropp, O Fercoq, M Udell, V Cevher
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 3 (1), 171-200, 2021
Mind the duality gap: safer rules for the lasso
O Fercoq, A Gramfort, J Salmon
International conference on machine learning, 333-342, 2015
Gap safe screening rules for sparsity enforcing penalties
E Ndiaye, O Fercoq, J Salmon
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (128), 1-33, 2017
SDNA: Stochastic dual Newton ascent for empirical risk minimization
Z Qu, P Richtárik, M Takác, O Fercoq
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1823-1832, 2016
A smooth primal-dual optimization framework for nonsmooth composite convex minimization
Q Tran-Dinh, O Fercoq, V Cevher
SIAM Journal on Optimization 28 (1), 96-134, 2018
Improved optimistic algorithms for logistic bandits
L Faury, M Abeille, C Calauzčnes, O Fercoq
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3052-3060, 2020
Gap safe screening rules for sparse multi-task and multi-class models
E Ndiaye, O Fercoq, A Gramfort, J Salmon
Advances in neural information processing systems 28, 2015
Fast distributed coordinate descent for non-strongly convex losses
O Fercoq, Z Qu, P Richtárik, M Takáč
2014 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing …, 2014
A coordinate-descent primal-dual algorithm with large step size and possibly nonseparable functions
O Fercoq, P Bianchi
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (1), 100-134, 2019
Safe grid search with optimal complexity
E Ndiaye, T Le, O Fercoq, J Salmon, I Takeuchi
International conference on machine learning, 4771-4780, 2019
Gap safe screening rules for sparse-group lasso
E Ndiaye, O Fercoq, A Gramfort, J Salmon
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 388-396, 2016
Adaptive restart of accelerated gradient methods under local quadratic growth condition
O Fercoq, Z Qu
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 39 (4), 2069-2095, 2019
Restarting accelerated gradient methods with a rough strong convexity estimate
O Fercoq, Z Qu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.07358, 2016
Escaping limit cycles: Global convergence for constrained nonconvex-nonconcave minimax problems
T Pethick, P Latafat, P Patrinos, O Fercoq, V Cevher
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022
Ergodic control and polyhedral approaches to PageRank optimization
O Fercoq, M Akian, M Bouhtou, S Gaubert
IEEE Transactions on Automatic and Control 58 (1), 134-143, 2013
Synchronisation and control of proliferation in cycling cell population models with age structure
F Billy, J Clairambaultt, O Fercoq, S Gaubertt, T Lepoutre, T Ouillon, ...
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 96, 66-94, 2014
Joint quantile regression in vector-valued RKHSs
M Sangnier, O Fercoq, F d'Alché-Buc
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, 2016
Smooth minimization of nonsmooth functions with parallel coordinate descent methods
O Fercoq, P Richtárik
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications, 57-96, 2017
A conditional gradient framework for composite convex minimization with applications to semidefinite programming
A Yurtsever, O Fercoq, F Locatello, V Cevher
International Conference on Machine Learning, 5727-5736, 2018
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Articles 1–20