Milan Babic
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Citeret af
States versus corporations: Rethinking the power of business in international politics
M Babic, J Fichtner, EM Heemskerk
The international spectator 52 (4), 20-43, 2017
Let's talk about the interregnum: Gramsci and the crisis of the liberal world order
M Babic
International Affairs 96 (3), 767–786, 2020
The rise of transnational state capital: State-led foreign investment in the 21st century
M Babic, J Garcia-Bernardo, EM Heemskerk
Review of international political economy 27 (3), 433-475, 2020
Geopolitics and the ‘New’ State Capitalism
I Alami, AD Dixon, R Gonzalez-Vicente, M Babic, SO Lee, IA Medby, ...
Geopolitics 27 (3), 995-1023, 2021
State capital in a geoeconomic world: Mapping state-led foreign investment in the global political economy
M Babic
Review of International Political Economy 30 (1), 201-228, 2023
Special issue introduction: what is the new state capitalism?
I Alami, M Babic, AD Dixon, IT Liu
Contemporary politics 28 (3), 245-263, 2022
Who is more powerful–states or corporations?
M Babic, EM Heemskerk, J Fichtner
Is the China Effect Real? Ideational Change and the Political Contestation of Chinese State-Led Investment in Europe
M Babic, AD Dixon
Chinese Journal of International Politics 15 (2), 111–139, 2022
The Political Economy of Geoeconomics: Europe in a Changing World
M Babic, AD Dixon, IT Liu
Palgrave Macmillan, 218, 2022
Geoeconomics in a changing global order
M Babić, AD Dixon, IT Liu
The political economy of geoeconomics: Europe in a changing world, 1-27, 2022
The rise of state capital: Transforming markets and international politics
M Babić
Agenda Publishing Limited, 2023
How does Business Power operate? A framework for its working mechanisms
M Babic, J Huijzer, J Garcia-Bernardo, D Valeeva
Business and Politics 24 (2), 133-150, 2022
Decarbonising states as owners
M Babić, AD Dixon
New political economy 28 (4), 608-627, 2023
Mobilising critical international political economy for the age of climate breakdown
M Babic, SE Sharma
New Political Economy 28 (5), 758-779, 2023
From tax havens to cryptocurrencies: secrecy-seeking capital in the global economy
M Ylönen, R Raudla, M Babic
Review of International Political Economy 31 (2), 563-588, 2024
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Crisis of the Liberal International Order: Geopolitical Fissures and Pathways to Change
M Babic
Global Perspectives 2 (1), 24051, 2021
Green finance in the global energy transition: Actors, instruments, and politics
M Babic
Energy Research & Social Science 111, 103482, 2024
Varieties of state capital: What does foreign state-led investment do in a globalized world?
M Babic, A Dixon, J Fichtner
Competition and Change 27 (5), 663-684, 2022
Stabilisierung, Vertiefung und Konsolidierung der Economic Governance: Elitenstrategien in der europäischen Krise
M Babic
Bieling, H.-J.; Guntrum, S. (eds.): Neue Segel, alter Kurs? Die Eurokrise …, 2019
Italien: Arbeitspolitischer Dualismus und kriseninduzierte Konflikte.
M Babic
Europäische Welten in der Krise: Arbeitsbeziehungen und Wohlfahrtsstaaten im …, 2015
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