Christophe Lesschaeve
Christophe Lesschaeve
Postdoctoral researcher
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Cited by
The predictive power of the left-right self-placement scale for the policy positions of voters and parties
C Lesschaeve
West European Politics 40 (2), 357-377, 2017
Finding inequality in an unlikely place: Differences in policy congruence between social groups in Belgium
C Lesschaeve
Acta Politica 52, 361-383, 2017
Voting and winning: perceptions of electoral integrity in consolidating democracies
M Mochtak, C Lesschaeve, J Glaurdić
Democratization 28 (8), 1423-1441, 2021
Health versus Wealth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Saving Lives or Saving the Economy?
C Lesschaeve, J GlaurdiĆ, M Mochtak
Public Opinion Quarterly 85 (3), 808-835, 2021
Issue reframing by parties: The effect of issue salience and ownership
J Lefevere, J Sevenans, S Walgrave, C Lesschaeve
Party Politics 25 (4), 507-519, 2019
Voting after violence: How combat experiences and postwar trauma affect veteran and voter party choices in Croatia’s 2003 postwar elections
C Lesschaeve
Armed Forces & Society 46 (2), 259-280, 2020
Inequality in party-voter opinion congruence: a matter of choices made or choices given?
C Lesschaeve
Representation 53 (2), 153-166, 2017
Talking War: Representation, veterans and ideology in post-War parliamentary debates
M Mochtak, J Glaurdić, C Lesschaeve
Government and Opposition 57 (1), 148-170, 2022
Attitudes et comportements des électeurs lors du scrutin du 25 mai 2014
K Deschouwer, P Delwit, M Hooghe, B Rihoux, S Walgrave, ...
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP 2225 (20), 5-41, 2014
Constituting the list amid time of personalisation of politics: The balance of congruent and popular candidates in Belgian political parties
J Dodeigne, C Meulewaeter, C Lesschaeve
Candidates, parties and voters in the Belgian partitocracy, 215-244, 2019
Thinking alike: two pathways to leadership-candidate opinion congruence
C Lesschaeve, PFA Van Erkel, C Meulewaeter
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 28 (4), 488-515, 2018
Consolidated democracy advantage: political instability and sovereign spreads in the EU
J Glaurdić, C Lesschaeve, M Vizek
Comparative European Politics 18, 437-459, 2020
Modelling the Legacies of War Violence: Voters, Parties, Communities
J Glaurdić, C Lesschaeve, M Mochtak
Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva: časopis za politologiju 15 (1), 77-101, 2018
Whose Democracy is it
C Lesschaeve
A study of Inequality in Policy Opinion Congruence Between Privileged and …, 2017
Ethnic bias after ethnic conflict: Preferential voting and the Serb minority in Croatian elections
J Glaurdić, M Mochtak, C Lesschaeve
Ethnopolitics 22 (1), 22-42, 2023
Warrior candidates: Do voters value combat experience in postwar elections?
J Glaurdić, C Lesschaeve
Political research quarterly 75 (4), 950-965, 2022
Contesting war memories: Parties and voters in contemporary Southeast Europe
J Glaurdić, C Lesschaeve, M Mochtak
Party Politics 28 (6), 1094-1108, 2022
Bringing representatives back in: How political parties moderate patterns of inequality in opinion representation
C Lesschaeve
European Political Science 21 (2), 255-273, 2022
Naar een voorwaardelijk model van ongelijkheid in vertegenwoordiging: Een onderzoek naar het moderatie-effect van beleidsdomeinen op ongelijkheid in beleidscongruentie
C Lesschaeve
Res Publica 58 (1), 2016
Coronavirus pandemic response and voter choice: evidence from Serbia and Croatia
J Glaurdić, C Lesschaeve, M Mochtak
Communist and post-communist studies 54 (4), 197-214, 2021
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Articles 1–20