Rubin Khoddam, PhD
Rubin Khoddam, PhD
West Los Angeles VA Healthcare System
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Cited by
Association of electronic cigarette use with initiation of combustible tobacco product smoking in early adolescence
AM Leventhal, DR Strong, MG Kirkpatrick, JB Unger, S Sussman, ...
Jama 314 (7), 700-707, 2015
Impact of adolescent marijuana use on intelligence: Results from two longitudinal twin studies
NJ Jackson, JD Isen, R Khoddam, D Irons, C Tuvblad, WG Iacono, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (5), E500-E508, 2016
A prospective study of the Acquired Preparedness Model: the effects of impulsivity and expectancies on smoking initiation in college students.
N Doran, R Khoddam, PE Sanders, CA Schweizer, RS Trim, MG Myers
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (3), 714, 2013
Socioeconomic disparities in adolescent substance use: Role of enjoyable alternative substance-free activities
N Andrabi, R Khoddam, AM Leventhal
Social Science & Medicine 176, 175-182, 2017
Developmental pathways from parental socioeconomic status to adolescent substance use: Alternative and complementary reinforcement
JO Lee, J Cho, Y Yoon, MS Bello, R Khoddam, AM Leventhal
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 334-348, 2018
Association of cyberbullying involvement with subsequent substance use among adolescents
Y Yoon, JO Lee, J Cho, MS Bello, R Khoddam, NR Riggs, AM Leventhal
Journal of Adolescent Health 65 (5), 613-620, 2019
Distress tolerance as a correlate of tobacco dependence and motivation: Incremental relations over and above anxiety and depressive symptoms
MA Trujillo, R Khoddam, JB Greenberg, SR Dyal, KJ Ameringer, ...
Behavioral Medicine 43 (2), 120-128, 2017
Prevalence and co‐occurrence of addictions in US ethnic/racial groups: Implications for genetic research
SE Luczak, R Khoddam, S Yu, TL Wall, A Schwartz, S Sussman
The American journal on addictions 26 (5), 424-436, 2017
Poly-product drug use disparities in adolescents of lower socioeconomic status: Emerging trends in nicotine products, marijuana products, and prescription drugs
MS Bello, R Khoddam, MD Stone, J Cho, Y Yoon, JO Lee, AM Leventhal
Behaviour research and therapy 115, 103-110, 2019
Internalizing symptoms and conduct problems: Redundant, incremental, or interactive risk factors for adolescent substance use during the first year of high school?
R Khoddam, NJ Jackson, AM Leventhal
Drug and alcohol dependence 169, 48-55, 2016
Associations of ADHD symptoms with smoking and alternative tobacco product use initiation during adolescence
NI Goldenson, R Khoddam, MD Stone, AM Leventhal
Journal of pediatric psychology 43 (6), 613-624, 2018
Depression and anxiety symptoms moderate the relation between negative reinforcement smoking outcome expectancies and nicotine dependence
RD Pang, R Khoddam, CR Guillot, AM Leventhal
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 75 (5), 775-780, 2014
Alternative and complementary reinforcers as mechanisms linking adolescent conduct problems and substance use.
R Khoddam, AM Leventhal
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 24 (5), 376, 2016
Examining the stability of young-adult alcohol and tobacco co-use: a latent transition analysis
CA Schweizer, SC Roesch, R Khoddam, N Doran, MG Myers
Addiction Research & Theory 22 (4), 325-335, 2014
Family history density predicts long term substance use outcomes in an adolescent treatment sample
R Khoddam, M Worley, KC Browne, N Doran, SA Brown
Drug and alcohol dependence 147, 235-242, 2015
Diminished alternative reinforcement as a mechanism linking conduct problems and substance use in adolescence: a longitudinal examination
R Khoddam, J Cho, NJ Jackson, AM Leventhal
Addiction 113 (6), 1139-1148, 2018
Longitudinal associations between anhedonia and body mass index trajectory groups among adolescents
J Cho, NI Goldenson, MS Pester, R Khoddam, MS Bello, GF Dunton, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 63 (1), 81-87, 2018
Family smoking history moderates the effect of expectancies on smoking initiation in college students
R Khoddam, N Doran
Addictive behaviors 38 (8), 2384-2387, 2013
Diminished alternative reinforcement mediates socioeconomic disparities in adolescent substance ase: A longitudinal study
N Andrabi, A Leventhal, R Khoddam
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 100 (171), e8, 2017
Social self-control is a statistically nonredundant correlate of adolescent substance use
S Sussman, CP Chou, RD Pang, M Kirkpatrick, CR Guillot, M Stone, ...
Substance use & misuse 51 (6), 788-794, 2016
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Articles 1–20