Mark van der Loo
Mark van der Loo
Senior Researcher, Statistics Netherlands | Research Fellow, LIACS University of Leiden
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Citeret af
The stringdist package for approximate string matching
MPJ van der Loo
The R Journal 6 (1), 111-122, 2014
Direct measurement of the radiative lifetime of vibrationally excited OH radicals
SYT van de Meerakker, N Vanhaecke, MPJ van der Loo, ...
Physical review letters 95 (1), 013003, 2005
An introduction to data cleaning with R
E De Jonge, M Van Der Loo
Statistics Netherlands, 2013
rtrim: Trends and indices for monitoring data
P Bogaart, M Van der Loo, J Pannekoek
R package version 1 (1), 2016
Theoretical transition probabilities for the OH Meinel system
MPJ van der Loo, GC Groenenboom
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (11), 2007
Distribution based outlier detection in univariate data
MPJ Van der Loo
Statistics Netherlands, 2010
Learning RStudio for R statistical computing
MPJ Van der Loo, E De Jonge
Packt Publishing Ltd, 2012
Treatment options for large posterior restorations: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
BM Vetromilla, NJ Opdam, FL Leida, R Sarkis-Onofre, FF Demarco, ...
The Journal of the American Dental Association 151 (8), 614-624. e18, 2020
Statistical data cleaning with applications in R
M Van der Loo, E De Jonge
Wiley, 2018
Data validation infrastructure for R
MPJ van der Loo, E de Jonge
Journal of Statistical Software 97 (10), 1-31, 2021
Methodology for data validation 1.0
M Di Zio, N Fursova, T Gelsema, S Gießing, U Guarnera, J Petrauskienė, ...
Essnet Validat Foundation, 2016
simputation: simple imputation
M van der Loo
https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=simputation, 2019
extremevalues, an R package for outlier detection in univariate data
M Van der Loo
R package version 2, 2010
Ab initio calculation of (2+ 1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectra and lifetimes of the (D, 3) Σ− 2 states of OH and OD
MPJ van der Loo, GC Groenenboom
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (7), 2005
Automated and manual data editing: a view on process design and methodology
J Pannekoek, S Scholtus, M Van der Loo
Journal of Official Statistics 29 (4), 511-537, 2013
Photodissociation of the OD radical at 226 and 243 nm
DČ Radenović, AJA van Roij, DA Chestakov, ATJB Eppink, JJ ter Meulen, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 119 (18), 9341-9343, 2003
Models and statistical methods in rtrim
J Pannekoek, P Bogaart, M van der Loo
Statistics Netherlands, 2018
gower: Gower’s distance
M Van der Loo
R package version 0.1 2, 2017
Photodissociation of vibrationally excited OH/OD radicals
DČ Radenović, AJA van Roij, SM Wu, JJ Ter Meulen, DH Parker, ...
Molecular Physics 106 (2-4), 557-572, 2008
Photodissociation of vibrationally excited SH and SD radicals at 288 and 291nm: The S (D21) channel
L Janssen, MPJ Van Der Loo, GC Groenenboom, SM Wu, DČ Radenović, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (9), 2007
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