Kleber de Oliveira Andrade
Kleber de Oliveira Andrade
Departamento de Jogos Digitais (FATEC-AM)
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Cited by
Adaptive strategy for multi-user robotic rehabilitation games
GAP Caurin, AAG Siqueira, KO Andrade, RC Joaquim, HI Krebs
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Dynamic Player Modelling in Serious Games applied to Rehabilitation Robotics
KO Andrade, G Fernandes, GAP Caurin, A Siqueira, RF Romero, ...
Joint Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Systems 2014, 2014
Dynamic difficulty adjustment with Evolutionary Algorithm in games for rehabilitation robotics
KO Andrade, TB Pasqual, GAP Caurin, MK Crocomo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for …, 2016
Rehabilitation robotics and serious games: An initial architecture for simultaneous players
KDO Andrade, G Fernandes, J Martins, VC Roma, RC Joaquim, ...
2013 ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference: Biosignals and Robotics …, 2013
Evolutionary algorithms for a better gaming experience in rehabilitation robotics
KO Andrade, RC Joaquim, GAP Caurin, MK Crocomo
Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 16 (2), 1-15, 2018
A robotic system for rehabilitation of distal radius fracture using games
KO Andrade, GG Ito, RC Joaquim, B Jardim, AAG Siqueira, GAP Caurin, ...
2010 Brazilian symposium on games and digital entertainment, 25-32, 2010
Relative performance analysis for robot rehabilitation procedure with two simultaneous users
KO Andrade, J Martins, GAP Caurin, RC Joaquim, G Fernandes
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012
A rule-based controller simulation for an autonomous parallel parking of a car-like robot using laser sensors
K de Oliveira Andrade, AC Hernandes, M Becker
ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics 5, 1042, 2012
Robotic platform for telerehabilitation studies based on unity game engine
FA Pires, WM Santos, KO Andrade, GAP Caurin, AAG Siqueira
2014 IEEE 3nd International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for …, 2014
Physiotherapy support web-based system for rehabilitation robotics: an initial architecture
CB Moretti, KO Andrade, GAP Caurin
22nd. International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013), 1171-1180, 2013
Dynamic difficulty adjustment in a whac-a-mole like game
BER Garcia, MK Crocomo, KO Andrade
2018 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment …, 2018
A game-based framework for robotic rehabilitation
KO Andrade, B Jardim, RC Joaquim, AAG Siqueira, GAP Caurin, ...
Proceedings, 2011
Áreas de pesquisa e técnicas de inteligência artificial em jogos digitais
MDL Reis, K de Oliveira Andrade
Revista Tecnológica da Fatec Americana 10 (01), 71-97, 2022
Sistema neural reativo para o estacionamento paralelo com uma única manobra em veículos de passeio
KO Andrade
Universidade de São Paulo, 2011
Neuron-fuzzy planner for a parallel parking maneuver of a differential robot
PACA de Oliveira, K de Oliveira Andrade, M Becker, AC Neto
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
Um Algoritmo Evolutivo para a adaptação de NPCs em um jogo de ação
KO Andrade, AEA Silva, MK Crocomo
I Simpósio Santa Catarina Games, 2009
Simulação de um controlador neural para o estacionamento paralelo de um robô móvel
KO Andrade, AC Hernandes, M Becker
Anais, 2012
Serious Games for Robotic Rehabilitation of Ankle Movements
K de Oliveira Andrade, FL Oliveira, LC Vieira, B Jardim, AAG Siqueira, ...
Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering …, 2011
Serious games for robotic rehabilitation of ankle movements
KO Andrade, FL Oliveira, LC Vieira, B Jardim, AAG Siqueira, FRP Santos
Proceedings, 2011
Multi-UAV Collaborative System for the Identification of Surface Cyanobacterial Blooms and Aquatic Macrophytes
KCT Vivaldini, TF Pazelli, LGS Rocha, IAD Santos, KAQ Caldas, DP Soler, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 110 (1), 40, 2024
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Articles 1–20