Amanda P. Williford
Amanda P. Williford
Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia
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Predicting change in parenting stress across early childhood: Child and maternal factors
AP Williford, SD Calkins, SP Keane
Journal of abnormal child psychology 35, 251-263, 2007
Children's engagement within the preschool classroom and their development of self-regulation
AP Williford, JE Vick Whittaker, VE Vitiello, JT Downer
Early Education & Development 24 (2), 162-187, 2013
The role of executive function in children's competent adjustment to middle school
LA Jacobson, AP Williford, RC Pianta
Child Neuropsychology 17 (3), 255-280, 2011
Variation in children's classroom engagement throughout a day in preschool: Relations to classroom and child factors
VE Vitiello, LM Booren, JT Downer, AP Williford
Early childhood research quarterly 27 (2), 210-220, 2012
Commentary on the review of measures of early childhood social and emotional development: Conceptualization, critique, and recommendations
SB Campbell, SA Denham, GZ Howarth, SM Jones, JV Whittaker, ...
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 45, 19-41, 2016
Understanding how children's engagement and teachers' interactions combine to predict school readiness
AP Williford, MF Maier, JT Downer, RC Pianta, C Howes
Journal of applied developmental psychology 34 (6), 299-309, 2013
Biological, behavioral, and relational levels of resilience in the context of risk for early childhood behavior problems
SD Calkins, AY Blandon, AP Williford, SP Keane
Development and psychopathology 19 (3), 675-700, 2007
Early childhood professional development: Coaching and coursework effects on indicators of children’s school readiness
R Pianta, B Hamre, J Downer, M Burchinal, A Williford, J Locasale-Crouch, ...
Early Education and Development 28 (8), 956-975, 2017
Changing teacher–child dyadic interactions to improve preschool children's externalizing behaviors
AP Williford, J LoCasale‐Crouch, JV Whittaker, J DeCoster, KA Hartz, ...
Child development 88 (5), 1544-1553, 2017
Dose–response relations between preschool teachers’ exposure to components of professional development and increases in quality of their interactions with children
RC Pianta, J DeCoster, S Cabell, M Burchinal, BK Hamre, J Downer, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 29 (4), 499-508, 2014
Using mental health consultation to decrease disruptive behaviors in preschoolers: Adapting an empirically‐supported intervention
AP Williford, TL Shelton
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 49 (2), 191-200, 2008
SEL and student-teacher relationships.
AP Williford, CS Wolcott
The Guilford Press, 2015
Taming the terrible twos: Self-regulation and school readiness.
SD Calkins, AP Williford
The Guilford Press, 2009
MyTeachingPartner-Math/Science pre-kindergarten curricula and teacher supports: Associations with children's mathematics and science learning
MB Kinzie, JV Whittaker, AP Williford, J DeCoster, P McGuire, Y Lee, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 29 (4), 586-599, 2014
Cortisol patterns for young children displaying disruptive behavior: Links to a teacher-child, relationship-focused intervention
BE Hatfield, AP Williford
Prevention Science 18 (1), 40-49, 2017
Relations between social skills and language and literacy outcomes among disruptive preschoolers: Task engagement as a mediator
V Vitiello, AP Williford
Early childhood research quarterly 36, 136-144, 2016
Risk and protective factors associated with alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use during adolescence
KN Graves, ME Fernandez, TL Shelton, JM Frabutt, AP Williford
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 34, 379-387, 2005
Gender processes in school functioning and the mediating role of cognitive self-regulation
JS Matthews, LM Marulis, AP Williford
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35 (3), 128-137, 2014
Examining the validity of a widely-used school readiness assessment: Implications for teachers and early childhood programs
JM Russo, AP Williford, AJ Markowitz, VE Vitiello, D Bassok
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 48, 14-25, 2019
Teacher perception of preschool disruptive behavior: Prevalence and contributing factors
ML Yoder, AP Williford
Early Education and Development 30 (7), 835-853, 2019
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Articles 1–20