Bernhard Hengst
Bernhard Hengst
School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales
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Discovering hierarchy in reinforcement learning with HEXQ
B Hengst
Icml 19, 243-250, 2002
Omnidirectional locomotion for quadruped robots
B Hengst, D Ibbotson, SB Pham, C Sammut
RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V 5, 368-373, 2002
Hierarchical reinforcement learning
B Hengst
Encyclopedia of machine learning, 495-502, 2011
Hierarchical approaches
B Hengst
Reinforcement Learning: State-of-the-Art, 293-323, 2012
Extracting terrain features from range images for autonomous random stepfield traversal
R Sheh, MW Kadous, C Sammut, B Hengst
2007 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, 1-6, 2007
Structural abstraction experiments in reinforcement learning
R Fitch, B Hengst, D Šuc, G Calbert, J Scholz
Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 164-175, 2005
Robocup-2000: The fourth robotic soccer world championships
P Stone, M Asada, T Balch, R D'Andrea, M Fujita, B Hengst, ...
AI magazine 22 (1), 11-11, 2001
Traffic signals control system
N Morioka, EE Huang, B Hengst
US Patent 8,212,688, 2012
Discovering hierarchy in reinforcement learning
B Hengst
UNSW Sydney, 2003
Model approximation for HEXQ hierarchical reinforcement learning
B Hengst
Machine Learning: ECML 2004: 15th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2004
Safe state abstraction and reusable continuing subtasks in hierarchical reinforcement learning
B Hengst
AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 20th Australian Joint …, 2007
The UNSW robocup 2000 Sony legged league team
B Hengst, D Ibbotson, SB Pham, J Dalgliesh, M Lawther, ...
RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV 4, 64-75, 2001
Generating hierarchical structure in reinforcement learning from state variables
B Hengst
Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 533-543, 2000
The UNSW united 2000 sony legged robot software system
B Hengst, D Ibbotson, SB Pham, C Sammut
RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, 64-75, 2000
Behavioural cloning for driving robots over rough terrain
R Sheh, B Hengst, C Sammut
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
The unsw robocup 2001 sony legged robot league team
S Chen, M Siu, T Vogelgesang, TF Yik, B Hengst, SB Pham, C Sammut
RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V 5, 39-48, 2002
Kalman filter process models for urban vehicle tracking
C Aydos, B Hengst, W Uther
2009 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2009
RoboCup-2001: The Fifth RoboCup Competitions and Conferences
S Chen, M Siu, T Vogelgesang, TF Yik, B Hengst, SB Pham, C Sammut
Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002
On the performance of adaptive traffic signal control
C Cai, B Hengst, G Ye, E Huang, Y Wang, C Aydos, G Geers
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computational …, 2009
The use of a computer to describe blasting
G Harries, B Hengst
15th APCOM symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 317-324, 1977
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Articles 1–20