Ahmed M. Anter
Ahmed M. Anter
Associate Professor, Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligent, Beni-suef University, Egypt
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Cited by
Feature selection strategy based on hybrid crow search optimization algorithm integrated with chaos theory and fuzzy c-means algorithm for medical diagnosis problems
AM Anter, M Ali
Soft Computing 24 (3), 1565-1584, 2020
Classification of garments from fashion MNIST dataset using CNN LeNet-5 architecture
M Kayed, A Anter, H Mohamed
2020 international conference on innovative trends in communication and …, 2020
CT liver tumor segmentation hybrid approach using neutrosophic sets, fast fuzzy c-means and adaptive watershed algorithm
AM Anter, AE Hassenian
Artificial intelligence in medicine 97, 105-117, 2019
An improved fast fuzzy c-means using crow search optimization algorithm for crop identification in agricultural
AM Anter, AE Hassenian, D Oliva
Expert Systems with Applications 118, 340-354, 2019
Automatic computer aided segmentation for liver and hepatic lesions using hybrid segmentations techniques
AM Anter, AT Azar, AE Hassanien, N El-Bendary, MA ElSoud
2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 193-198, 2013
Boosting arithmetic optimization algorithm with genetic algorithm operators for feature selection: Case study on cox proportional hazards model
AA Ewees, MAA Al-Qaness, L Abualigah, D Oliva, ZY Algamal, AM Anter, ...
Mathematics 9 (18), 2321, 2021
Thermogram breast cancer prediction approach based on neutrosophic sets and fuzzy c-means algorithm
T Gaber, G Ismail, A Anter, M Soliman, M Ali, N Semary, AE Hassanien, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Computational intelligence optimization approach based on particle swarm optimizer and neutrosophic set for abdominal CT liver tumor segmentation
AM Anter, AE Hassenian
Journal of Computational Science 25, 376-387, 2018
AFCM-LSMA: New intelligent model based on Lévy slime mould algorithm and adaptive fuzzy C-means for identification of COVID-19 infection from chest X-ray images
AM Anter, D Oliva, A Thakare, Z Zhang
Advanced Engineering Informatics 49, 101317, 2021
Real-time epileptic seizure recognition using Bayesian genetic whale optimizer and adaptive machine learning
AM Anter, M Abd Elaziz, Z Zhang
Future Generation Computer Systems 127, 426-434, 2022
Neutrosophic sets and fuzzy c-means clustering for improving ct liver image segmentation
AM Anter, AE Hassanien, MAA ElSoud, MF Tolba
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Innovations in Bio …, 2014
A novel parameter estimation in dynamic model via fuzzy swarm intelligence and chaos theory for faults in wastewater treatment plant
AM Anter, D Gupta, O Castillo
Soft Computing 24 (1), 111-129, 2020
A robust swarm intelligence-based feature selection model for neuro-fuzzy recognition of mild cognitive impairment from resting-state fMRI
AM Anter, Y Wei, J Su, Y Yuan, B Lei, G Duan, W Mai, X Nong, B Yu, C Li, ...
Information Sciences 503, 670-687, 2019
Automatic liver parenchyma segmentation system from abdominal CT scans using hybrid techniques
AM Anter, AE Hassanien, MA ElSoud, AT Azar
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 17 (2), 148-167, 2015
Multi-target QSAR modelling of chemo-genomic data analysis based on extreme learning machine
AM Anter, YS Moemen, A Darwish, AE Hassanien
Knowledge-Based Systems 188, 104977, 2020
Multi-stage fuzzy swarm intelligence for automatic hepatic lesion segmentation from CT scans
AM Anter, S Bhattacharyya, Z Zhang
Applied Soft Computing 96, 106677, 2020
A new type of fuzzy-rule-based system with chaotic swarm intelligence for multiclassification of pain perception from fMRI
AM Anter, G Huang, L Li, L Zhang, Z Liang, Z Zhang
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 28 (6), 1096-1109, 2020
Hybrid intelligent model for classifying chest X-ray images of COVID-19 patients using genetic algorithm and neutrosophic logic
A Basha, S.H. , Anter, A.M. , Hassanien, A.E. , Abdalla
Soft Computing 27, pages3427–3442, 2021
Computational Intelligence Optimization Algorithm Based on Meta-heuristic Social-Spider: Case Study on CT Liver Tumor Diagnosis
AMA Mohamed Abu ElSoud
Advanced Computer Science and Application 7 (4), 466-475, 2016
A hybrid approach to diagnosis of hepatic tumors in computed tomography images
AM Anter, MA El Souod, AT Azar, AE Hassanien
International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA) 1 (2), 31-48, 2014
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Articles 1–20