Ching Wan
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Intersubjective culture: The role of intersubjective perceptions in cross-cultural research
CY Chiu, MJ Gelfand, T Yamagishi, G Shteynberg, C Wan
Perspectives on Psychological Science 5 (4), 482-493, 2010
Perceived cultural importance and actual self-importance of values in cultural identification.
C Wan, C Chiu, K Tam, S Lee, IY Lau, S Peng
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (2), 337, 2007
Multicultural identities
Y Hong, C Wan, S No, C Chiu
Handbook of cultural psychology, 323-345, 2007
Birds of a feather and birds flocking together: Physical versus behavioral cues may lead to trait-versus goal-based group perception.
W Ip, C Chiu, C Wan
Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (3), 368, 2006
Measuring cultures through intersubjective cultural norms: Implications for predicting relative identification with two or more cultures
C Wan, CY Chiu, S Peng, KP Tam
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 38 (2), 213-226, 2007
Intersubjective consensus and the maintenance of normative shared reality
C Wan, CJ Torelli, C Chiu
Social Cognition 28 (3), 422-446, 2010
Cultural knowledge, category label, and social connections: Components of cultural identity in the global, multicultural context
C Wan, PYG Chew
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 16 (4), 247-259, 2013
Cultural self-awareness as awareness of culture’s influence on the self: Implications for cultural identification and well-being
C Lu, C Wan
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (6), 823-837, 2018
Cultural perspectives on self-enhancement and self-protection
CY Chiu, C Wan, SYY Cheng, YH Kim, YJ Yang
Handbook of self-enhancement and self-protection, 425-451, 2011
An intersubjective consensus approach to culture: The role of intersubjective norms versus cultural self in cultural processes
C Wan, C Chiu
Understanding culture, 92-104, 2013
Understanding cultural identification through intersubjective cultural representation
C Wan
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 46 (10), 1267-1272, 2015
Shared knowledge matters: Culture as intersubjective representations
C Wan
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 6 (2), 109-125, 2012
Intersubjective cultural representations predicting behaviour: The case of political culture and voting
C Wan, KP Tam, CY Chiu
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 13 (4), 260-273, 2010
Self-Definitional Functions of Culture
C Wan, K Dach-Gruschow, S No, Y Hong
Cultural processes: A social psychological perspective, 111, 2011
Bicultural identity negotiation
S No, C Wan, MM Chao, JL Rosner, YY Hong
Cultural processes: A social psychological perspective, 213-241, 2011
Adaptive Third Parties in the Cultural Milieu Peter J. Carnevale, Yeow Siah Cha
C Wan, S Fraidin
Conflict resolution 4, 56, 2006
Adaptive third parties in the cultural milieu
PJ Carnevale, YS Cha, C Wan, S Fraidin
The handbook of negotiation and culture, 280, 2004
A conclusion, yet an opening to enriching the normative approach of culture
C Chiu, MJ Gelfand, JR Harrington, AK Leung, Z Liu, MW Morris, Y Mu, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 46 (10), 1361-1371, 2015
Strategic misrepresentation of indifference in bilateral negotiation
PJ Carnevale, C Wan, R Dalal, KM O’Connor
International Association of Conflict Management Conference, Cergy, France, 2001
Implications for cultural sharedness when sharedness is not assumed
C Wan, C Lu
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 45 (1), 25-29, 2014
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Articles 1–20