Neil Bourne
Cited by
Cited by
Hot-spot ignition mechanisms for explosives and propellants
JE Field, NK Bourne, SJP Palmer, SM Walley
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1992
Shock-induced collapse of single cavities in liquids
NK Bourne, JE Field
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 244, 225-240, 1992
On the shock induced failure of brittle solids
N Bourne, J Millett, Z Rosenberg, N Murray
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 46 (10), 1887-1908, 1998
Dynamic plasticity and failure of high-purity alumina under shock loading
MW Chen, JW McCauley, DP Dandekar, NK Bourne
Nature Materials 5 (8), 614-618, 2006
Liquid-jet impact on liquid and solid surfaces
T Obara, NK Bourne, JE Field
Wear 186, 388-394, 1995
On the laser ignition and initiation of explosives
NK Bourne
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2001
On the analysis of transverse stress gauge data from shock loading experiments
JCF Millett, NK Bourne, Z Rosenberg
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 29 (9), 2466, 1996
High‐speed photography of compressive failure waves in glasses
NK Bourne, Z Rosenberg, JE Field
Journal of applied physics 78 (6), 3736-3739, 1995
Design and construction of the UK plate impact facility
NK Bourne, Z Rosenberg, DJ Johnson, JE Field, AE Timbs, RP Flaxman
Measurement Science and Technology 6 (10), 1462, 1995
A 50 mm bore gas gun for dynamic loading of materials and structures
NK Bourne
Measurement science and technology 14 (3), 273, 2003
On the collapse of cavities
NK Bourne
Shock waves 11, 447-455, 2002
Shock response of tantalum: lateral stress and shear strength through the front
GT Gray III, NK Bourne, JCF Millett
Journal of applied physics 94 (10), 6430-6436, 2003
Bubble collapse and the initiation of explosion
NK Bourne, JE Field
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and …, 1991
Delayed failure in shocked silicon carbide
N Bourne, J Millett, I Pickup
Journal of Applied Physics 81 (9), 6019-6023, 1997
The behavior of an epoxy resin under one-dimensional shock loading
JCF Millett, NK Bourne, NR Barnes
Journal of applied physics 92 (11), 6590-6594, 2002
Effect of pulse duration and strain rate on incipient spall fracture in copper
JN Johnson, GT Gray, NK Bourne
Journal of applied physics 86 (9), 4892-4901, 1999
The effect of orientation on the shock response of a carbon fibre–epoxy composite
JCF Millett, NK Bourne, YJE Meziere, R Vignjevic, A Lukyanov
Composites Science and Technology 67 (15-16), 3253-3260, 2007
Shock–induced brittle failure of boron carbide
NK Bourne
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2002
Shock-wave compression of a porous material
AD Resnyansky, NK Bourne
Journal of Applied Physics 95 (4), 1760-1769, 2004
The temperature of a shock-collapsed cavity
NK Bourne, AM Milne
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2003
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Articles 1–20