Robert Wisniewski
Robert Wisniewski
HPE Fellow, Chief Architect and VP HPC and AI Solutions
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Cited by
Cited by
The international exascale software project roadmap
J Dongarra, P Beckman, T Moore, P Aerts, G Aloisio, JC Andre, D Barkai, ...
The international journal of high performance computing applications 25 (1 …, 2011
Multi-petascale highly efficient parallel supercomputer
S Asaad, RE Bellofatto, MA Blocksome, MA Blumrich, P Boyle, ...
US Patent 9,081,501, 2015
Addressing failures in exascale computing
M Snir, RW Wisniewski, JA Abraham, SV Adve, S Bagchi, P Balaji, J Belak, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 28 (2 …, 2014
The ibm blue gene/q compute chip
R Haring, M Ohmacht, T Fox, M Gschwind, D Satterfield, K Sugavanam, ...
Ieee Micro 32 (2), 48-60, 2011
Scale-up x scale-out: A case study using nutch/lucene
M Michael, JE Moreira, D Shiloach, RW Wisniewski
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-8, 2007
Overview of the IBM Blue Gene/P project
G Almasi, S Asaad, RE Bellofatto, HR Bickford, MA Blumrich, B Brezzo, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development, 2008
System Support for Online Reconfiguration.
CAN Soules, J Appavoo, K Hui, RW Wisniewski, D Da Silva, GR Ganger, ...
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track, 141-154, 2003
Providing dynamic update in an operating system.
A Baumann, G Heiser, J Appavoo, D Da Silva, O Krieger, RW Wisniewski, ...
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track, 279-291, 2005
Indicating physical site energy usage through a virtual environment
V Castelli, IIRA Hamilton, CA Pickover, R Wisniewski
US Patent 7,873,485, 2011
K42: building a complete operating system
O Krieger, M Auslander, B Rosenburg, RW Wisniewski, J Xenidis, ...
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 40 (4), 133-145, 2006
Enabling autonomic behavior in systems software with hot swapping
J Appavoo, K Hui, CAN Soules, RW Wisniewski, DM Da Silva, O Krieger, ...
IBM systems journal 42 (1), 60-76, 2003
Big data and extreme-scale computing: Pathways to convergence-toward a shaping strategy for a future software and data ecosystem for scientific inquiry
M Asch, T Moore, R Badia, M Beck, P Beckman, T Bidot, F Bodin, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 32 (4 …, 2018
Online performance analysis by statistical sampling of microprocessor performance counters
R Azimi, M Stumm, RW Wisniewski
Proceedings of the 19th annual international conference on Supercomputing …, 2005
Visual aid to simplify achieving correct cell interrelations in spreadsheets
RW Wisniewski
US Patent 6,460,059, 2002
Experiences with a lightweight supercomputer kernel: Lessons learned from Blue Gene's CNK
M Giampapa, T Gooding, T Inglett, RW Wisniewski
SC'10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High …, 2010
Introducing selective energy efficiency in a virtual environment
IIRA Hamilton, JP Karidis, CA Pickover, R Wisniewski
US Patent 9,268,385, 2016
Scheduler-conscious synchronization
LI Kontothanassis, RW Wisniewski, ML Scott
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 15 (1), 3-40, 1997
Libra: a library operating system for a jvm in a virtualized execution environment
G Ammons, J Appavoo, M Butrico, D Da Silva, D Grove, K Kawachiya, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Virtual execution …, 2007
Enhancement of real-time operating system functionality using a hypervisor
M Auslander, B Betzler, D Da Silva, M Day, O Krieger, P McKenney, ...
US Patent App. 10/842,281, 2005
mOS: An architecture for extreme-scale operating systems
RW Wisniewski, T Inglett, P Keppel, R Murty, R Riesen
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Runtime and Operating …, 2014
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Articles 1–20