Oliver James Hulme
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Cited by
Modulation of aesthetic value by semantic context: An fMRI study
U Kirk, M Skov, O Hulme, MS Christensen, S Zeki
Neuroimage 44 (3), 1125-1132, 2009
Bayesian decoding of brain images
K Friston, C Chu, J Mourão-Miranda, O Hulme, G Rees, W Penny, ...
Neuroimage 39 (1), 181-205, 2008
The known unknowns: neural representation of second-order uncertainty, and ambiguity
DR Bach, O Hulme, WD Penny, RJ Dolan
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (13), 4811-4820, 2011
Simultaneous representation of a spectrum of dynamically changing value estimates during decision making
D Meder, N Kolling, L Verhagen, MK Wittmann, J Scholl, KH Madsen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1942, 2017
Variation in the oxytocin receptor gene is associated with behavioral and neural correlates of empathic accuracy
HR Laursen, HR Siebner, T Haren, K Madsen, R Grønlund, O Hulme, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 8, 423, 2014
Motivational tuning of fronto-subthalamic connectivity facilitates control of action impulses
DM Herz, MS Christensen, N Bruggemann, OJ Hulme, KR Ridderinkhof, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (9), 3210-3217, 2014
Levodopa reinstates connectivity from prefrontal to premotor cortex during externally paced movement in Parkinson's disease
DM Herz, HR Siebner, OJ Hulme, E Florin, MS Christensen, ...
Neuroimage 90, 15-23, 2014
Fairness, fast and slow: A review of dual process models of fairness
BG Hallsson, HR Siebner, OJ Hulme
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 89, 49-60, 2018
Second waves, social distancing, and the spread of COVID-19 across the USA
KJ Friston, T Parr, P Zeidman, A Razi, G Flandin, J Daunizeau, OJ Hulme, ...
Wellcome Open Research 5, 103, 2021
Asymptotic estimates of SARS-CoV-2 infection counts and their sensitivity to stochastic perturbation
D Faranda, IP Castillo, O Hulme, A Jezequel, JSW Lamb, Y Sato, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (5), 051107, 2020
Attenuated neural response to gamble outcomes in drug-naive patients with Parkinson’s disease
JPM van der Vegt, OJ Hulme, S Zittel, KH Madsen, MM Weiss, ...
Brain 136 (4), 1192-1203, 2013
Effects of category-specific costs on neural systems for perceptual decision-making
SM Fleming, L Whiteley, OJ Hulme, M Sahani, RJ Dolan
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (6), 3238-3247, 2010
The sightless view: neural correlates of occluded objects
OJ Hulme, S Zeki
Cerebral Cortex 17 (5), 1197-1205, 2007
Neural correlates of stimulus reportability
OJ Hulme, KF Friston, S Zeki
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (8), 1602-1610, 2009
A Bayesian reanalysis of the effects of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on viral carriage in patients with COVID-19
OJ Hulme, EJ Wagenmakers, P Damkier, CF Madelung, HR Siebner, ...
Plos one 16 (2), e0245048, 2021
Spatially distributed encoding of covert attentional shifts in human thalamus
OJ Hulme, L Whiteley, S Shipp
Journal of Neurophysiology 104 (6), 3644-3656, 2010
Altered auditory processing and effective connectivity in 22q11. 2 deletion syndrome
KM Larsen, M Mørup, MR Birknow, E Fischer, O Hulme, A Vangkilde, ...
Schizophrenia research 197, 328-336, 2018
Neurocomputational theories of homeostatic control
OJ Hulme, T Morville, B Gutkin
Physics of life reviews 31, 214-232, 2019
Tuning the brake while raising the stake: network dynamics during sequential decision-making
D Meder, BN Haagensen, O Hulme, T Morville, S Gelskov, DM Herz, ...
Journal of neuroscience 36 (19), 5417-5426, 2016
Ergodicity-breaking reveals time optimal decision making in humans
D Meder, F Rabe, T Morville, KH Madsen, MT Koudahl, RJ Dolan, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (9), e1009217, 2021
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Articles 1–20