Philipp C. Wichardt
Philipp C. Wichardt
Professor of Economics, University of Rostock
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Cited by
Measuring individual risk attitudes in the lab: Task or ask? An empirical comparison
JE Lönnqvist, M Verkasalo, G Walkowitz, PC Wichardt
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 119, 254-266, 2015
Personal values and prosocial behaviour in strategic interactions: Distinguishing value‐expressive from value‐ambivalent behaviours
JE Lönnqvist, M Verkasalo, PC Wichardt, G Walkowitz
European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (6), 554-569, 2013
Providing public goods in the absence of strong institutions
A Gerber, PC Wichardt
Journal of Public Economics 93 (3-4), 429-439, 2009
The moderating effect of conformism values on the relations between other personal values, social norms, moral obligation, and single altruistic behaviours
JE Lönnqvist, G Walkowitz, P Wichardt, M Lindeman, M Verkasalo
British Journal of Social Psychology 48 (3), 525-546, 2009
Identity and why we cooperate with those we do
PC Wichardt
Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (2), 127-139, 2008
Existence of Nash equilibria in finite extensive form games with imperfect recall: A counterexample
PC Wichardt
Games and Economic Behavior 63 (1), 366-369, 2008
Overconfidence can improve an agent's relative and absolute performance in contests
S Ludwig, PC Wichardt, H Wickhorst
Economics Letters 110 (3), 193-196, 2011
A status‐based motivation for behavioural altruism
PC Wichardt
International Journal of Social Economics 36 (8), 869-887, 2009
Minimum participation rules for the provision of public goods
A Gerber, J Neitzel, PC Wichardt
European Economic Review 64, 209-222, 2013
Situational power moderates the influence of self-transcendence vs. self-enhancement values on behavior in ultimatum bargaining
JE Lönnqvist, G Walkowitz, M Verkasalo, PC Wichardt
Journal of Research in Personality 45 (3), 336-339, 2011
Inequity aversion, welfare measurement and the Gini index
U Schmidt, PC Wichardt
Social Choice and Welfare 52, 585-588, 2019
Personality disorder categories as combinations of dimensions: Translating cooperative behavior in borderline personality disorder into the five-factor framework
JE Lönnqvist, M Verkasalo, PC Wichardt, G Walkowitz
Journal of Personality Disorders 26 (2), 298-304, 2012
Iterated reasoning and welfare-enhancing instruments in the Centipede game
A Gerber, PC Wichardt
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 74 (1-2), 123-136, 2010
Identity, Utility, and Cooperative Behaviour: An Evolutionary Perspective*
PC Wichardt
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113 (2), 418-443, 2011
Measuring individual risk attitudes in the lab: task or ask
JE Lonnqvist, M Verkasalo, G Walkowitz, PC Wichardt
An empirical comparison, 2011
Why and how identity should influence utility
PC Wichardt
Available at SSRN 878273, 2008
Norms, cognitive dissonance, and cooperative behaviour in laboratory experiments
PC Wichardt
International Journal of Social Economics 39 (5), 342-356, 2012
Conflicting identities: Cosmopolitan or anxious? Appreciating concerns of host country population improves attitudes towards immigrants
T Stöhr, PC Wichardt
Kiel Working Paper, 2016
An economic sociological look at economics
P Aspers
Signaling, Globality, and the Intuitive Criterion
C Ewerhart, PC Wichardt
Available at SSRN 555688, 2004
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Articles 1–20