Alistair Elfick
Alistair Elfick
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Raman spectroscopy and related techniques in biomedicine
A Downes, A Elfick
Sensors 10 (3), 1871-1889, 2010
Cultured cambial meristematic cells as a source of plant natural products
EK Lee, YW Jin, JH Park, YM Yoo, SM Hong, R Amir, Z Yan, E Kwon, ...
Nature biotechnology 28 (11), 1213-1217, 2010
Synthetic aesthetics: investigating synthetic biology's designs on nature
AD Ginsberg, J Calvert, P Schyfter, A Elfick
MIT press, 2014
Effect of sample and substrate electric properties on the electric field enhancement at the apex of SPM nanotips
I Notingher, A Elfick
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (33), 15699-15706, 2005
Finite element simulations of tip-enhanced Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy
A Downes, D Salter, A Elfick
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (13), 6692-6698, 2006
Optical spectroscopy for noninvasive monitoring of stem cell differentiation
A Downes, R Mouras, A Elfick
BioMed Research International 2010 (1), 101864, 2010
Raman spectroscopy and CARS microscopy of stem cells and their derivatives
A Downes, R Mouras, P Bagnaninchi, A Elfick
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42 (10), 1864-1870, 2011
A pH-based biosensor for detection of arsenic in drinking water
K De Mora, N Joshi, BL Balint, FB Ward, A Elfick, CE French
Analytical and Bioanalytical chemistry 400, 1031-1039, 2011
Heating effects in tip-enhanced optical microscopy
A Downes, D Salter, A Elfick
Optics Express 14 (12), 5216-5222, 2006
The effect of'running-in'on the tribology and surface morphology of metal-on-metal Birmingham hip resurfacing device in simulator studies
K Vassiliou, AP D Elfick, SC Scholes, A Unsworth
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2006
Advanced preclinical models for evaluation of drug-induced liver injury–consensus statement by the European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network [PRO-EURO-DILI-NET]
JC Fernandez-Checa, P Bagnaninchi, H Ye, P Sancho-Bru, ...
Journal of Hepatology 75 (4), 935-959, 2021
The nature and dissemination of UHMWPE wear debris retrieved from periprosthetic tissue of THR
APD Elfick, SM Green, S Krikler, A Unsworth
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A: An Official Journal of The …, 2003
Wear in retrieved acetabular components: effect of femoral head radius and patient parameters
APD Elfick, RM Hall, IM Pinder, A Unsworth
The Journal of arthroplasty 13 (3), 291-295, 1998
Poly (ε-caprolactone) as a potential material for a temporary joint spacer
APD Elfick
Biomaterials 23 (23), 4463-4467, 2002
ABCC1 confers tissue-specific sensitivity to cortisol versus corticosterone: a rationale for safer glucocorticoid replacement therapy
M Nixon, SD Mackenzie, AI Taylor, NZM Homer, DE Livingstone, ...
Science Translational Medicine 8 (352), 352ra109-352ra109, 2016
Development of a novel biosensor for the detection of arsenic in drinking water
J Aleksic, F Bizzari, Y Cai, B Davidson, K De Mora, S Ivakhno, ...
IET Synthetic biology 1 (1), 87-90, 2007
The influence of femoral head surface roughness on the wear of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene sockets in cementless total hip replacement
APD Elfick, RM Hall, IM Pinder, A Unsworth
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: An Official Journal of The Society …, 1999
The quantitative assessment of UHMWPE wear debris produced in hip simulator testing: the influence of head material and roughness, motion and loading
APD Elfick, SL Smith, SM Green, A Unsworth
Wear 249 (5-6), 517-527, 2001
Novel approaches to biosensors for detection of arsenic in drinking water
N Joshi, X Wang, L Montgomery, A Elfick, CE French
Desalination 248 (1-3), 517-523, 2009
Synthetic Biology: scope, applications and implications
R Kitney, J Calvert, R Challis, J Cooper, A Elfick, PS Freemont, J Haseloff, ...
The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2009
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Articles 1–20