Tron Darvann
Tron Darvann
Resaerch Engineer, University of Copenhagen
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External and internal macromorphology in 3D‐reconstructed maxillary molars using computerized X‐ray microtomography
L Bjørndal, O Carlsen, G Thuesen, T Darvann, S Kreiborg
International Endodontic Journal 32 (1), 3-9, 1999
A light microscopic study of odontoblastic and non–odontoblastic cells involved in tertiary dentinogenesis in well–defined cavitated carious lesions
L Bjørndal, T Darvann
Caries research 33 (1), 50-60, 1999
Technical validation of the Di3D stereophotogrammetry surface imaging system
RJ Winder, TA Darvann, W McKnight, JDM Magee, P Ramsay-Baggs
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 46 (1), 33-37, 2008
Helmet versus active repositioning for plagiocephaly: a three-dimensional analysis
AB Lipira, S Gordon, TA Darvann, NV Hermann, AE Van Pelt, SD Naidoo, ...
Pediatrics 126 (4), e936-e945, 2010
A quantitative light microscopic study of the odontoblast and subodontoblastic reactions to active and arrested enamel caries without cavitation
L Bjørndal, T Darvann, A Thylstrup
Caries research 32 (1), 59-69, 1998
Three‐dimensional analysis of mandibular growth and tooth eruption
S Krarup, TA Darvann, P Larsen, JL Marsh, S Kreiborg
Journal of Anatomy 207 (5), 669-682, 2005
The craniofacial phenotype of the Crouzon mouse: analysis of a model for syndromic craniosynostosis using three-dimensional MicroCT
CA Perlyn, VB DeLeon, C Babbs, D Govier, L Burell, T Darvann, ...
The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal 43 (6), 740-747, 2006
Early craniofacial morphology and growth in children with unoperated isolated cleft palate
NV Hermann, S Kreiborg, TA Darvann, BL Jensen, E Dahl, S Bolund
The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal 39 (6), 604-622, 2002
Quantitative ultrasound tissue characterization in shoulder and thigh muscles–a new approach
PK Nielsen, BR Jensen, T Darvann, K Jørgensen, M Bakke
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 7, 1-11, 2006
Anomalies of craniofacial skeleton and teeth in cleidocranial dysplasia.
S Kreiborg, BL Jensen, P Larsen, DT Schleidt, T Darvann
Journal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biology 19 (2), 75-79, 1999
Early postnatal development of the mandible in children with isolated cleft palate and children with nonsyndromic Robin sequence
J Eriksen, NV Hermann, TA Darvann, S Kreiborg
The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal 43 (2), 160-167, 2006
Early craniofacial morphology and growth in children with bilateral complete cleft lip and palate
NV Hermann, TA Darvann, BL Jensen, E Dahl, S Bolund, S Kreiborg
The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal 41 (4), 424-438, 2004
The visible ear: a digital image library of the temporal bone
MS Sørensen, AB Dobrzeniecki, P Larsen, T Frisch, J Sporring, ...
Orl 64 (6), 378-381, 2002
Early craniofacial morphology and growth in children with nonsyndromic Robin Sequence
NV Hermann, S Kreiborg, TA Darvann, BL Jensen, E Dahl, S Bolund
The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal 40 (2), 131-143, 2003
Model for the Pharmacologic Treatment of Crouzon Syndrome
CA Perlyn, G Morriss-Kay, T Darvann, M Tenenbaum, DM Ornitz
Neurosurgery 59 (1), 210-215, 2006
Craniofacial morphology and growth comparisons in children with Robin Sequence, isolated cleft palate, and unilateral complete cleft lip and palate
NV Hermann, S Kreiborg, TA Darvann, BL Jensen, E Dahl, S Bolund
The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal 40 (4), 373-396, 2003
Micro‐CT analyses of apical enlargement and molar root canal complexity
M Markvart, TA Darvann, P Larsen, M Dalstra, S Kreiborg, L Bjørndal
International endodontic journal 45 (3), 273-281, 2012
Nonlinear finite-element analysis and biomechanical evaluation of the lumbar spine
C Wong, PM Gehrchen, T Darvann, T Kiaer
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 22 (6), 742-746, 2003
Quantitative ultrasound image analysis of the supraspinatus muscle
PK Nielsen, BR Jensen, T Darvann, K Jørgensen, M Bakke
Clinical Biomechanics 15, S13-S16, 2000
Finite element analysis of tibial fractures
C Wong, P Mikkelsen, LB Hansen, T Darvann, P Gebuhr
Dan Med Bull 57 (5), A4148, 2010
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Articles 1–20